Dear Pastor, Is your Church having a godly influence on your city or town? Do you see a tangible change of behavior, a movement of godly behavior? If not, why not?
I am crying out to God more than ever these days……Oh Lord? Do they not see their sins? Has Satan blinded so many here in New Mexico? Why is the Church not effective here? Why Lord? Why so much corruption? Why the love for booze and pot?
There are so many fools in this state, killing babies through abortion, having a very dysfunctional government agency like CYFD, booze, pot, teenager killings, so much evil. a “fool” in the Bible is someone who actively disregards God’s word, lacks wisdom, and chooses to not follow God’s commands, often associated with characteristics like refusing to listen to advice, repeating mistakes, and denying God’s existence; essentially, a person who chooses to live without considering God’s wisdom and guidance. The fools will sit in the judgement seat of God one day. Got Questions states: The judgment seat of Christ involves a time in the future when believers will give an account of themselves to Christ. This is the plain teaching of Scripture: “We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad” (2 Corinthians 5:10). The warning is to Christians, not unbelievers. As Jesus taught in His parable, the king is going to return, at which time he will require an account from his servants (Luke 19:11–26). More Here
By the way where is all the pot money the state has received? Is it spent? How come the GOP and DEMS are not calling for a tax cut for all of us who float the boat for the state, us and the oil and gas industry!!!??? Hello GOP? DEMS? How come I hear nothing about ending abortion? Hello GOP and DEMS! All I hear are crickets. Shame. Who is standing up for God’s babies? God’s judgment is upon New Mexico. It is declining rapidly. Losing Religion: More New Mexicans have stopped going to church
I see no change in the dysfunction of New Mexico.
New Mexico loves its pot…… in Albuquerque there is a Church and pot store on about every street corner. I met with one of my mentors this week, we both are mourning at witnessing as we travel, the decline in Church attendance across the state. Churches that once had attendance of 100 to 200 or more now many are down to 10 to 30.
Now this……..
TORRANCE COUNTY, N.M. (KRQE) – Federal agents descended on two massive pot-growing operations in New Mexico Thursday morning. It comes months after a Larry Barker investigation revealed that the state knew about farms operating illegally outside Estancia and yanked their licenses. However, it took the feds to shut these suspected outlaw operations down. More Here
New Mexico loves to feed addictions, booze and pot…….home delivery of booze is available! I do not know about pot. New Mexico is a very, very dark place.
In New Mexico so many babies are being killed…..Here at FGGAM we do not put on our rose colored glasses, we put our eyes on God’s Word, we hold a Biblical Worldview, not a political Worldview. So much of New Mexico needs JESUS!