We continue to pray over the devastation in California, it breaks our hearts……..you are blessed if you have a house to live in. We surely are. Be thankful today and all days if you do.
The house was burning with her brother-in-law and nephew inside when Jackie McDaniels flagged down a firetruck and begged for help.
“Whoever is in there is no longer alive,” she recalled one of the firemen telling her before urging her to flee her Altadena neighborhood. “I pray to God that they were. But it was horrible to have to leave them there.”
Now McDaniels, like so many, is facing the gripping realities of grief and questions about what more could have been done. Experts say these survivors are victims themselves; the fires that swept through the Los Angeles area this month were fast-moving and fierce. More Here
Voices: California fire victims don’t need your judgementalism
‘Life-threatening’ cold weather to expand southward across the nation