I state again, Albuquerque is not a safe place. Our police officers are under fire. I have said for years there is not such a thing as a ordinary traffic stop! Evil is rampant here. APD is so very understaffed! Shame on the Mayor and City Council! Where is our tax money going?????? Where is our HIGH PROPERTY TAXES GOING! The city is dying! JESUS is needed in this city and all over New Mexico and America! Pastors and Churches need to get out of their kingdoms and hit the streets and share JESUS! So many Christians are so very comfortable! Is that what JESUS called you to be? COMFORTABLE? Working for the do-little-sit-more Church?
On January 20th, 2025, an Albuquerque Police officer initially attempted a traffic stop at 3:54 a.m. on a white Acura that did not have a license plate. The vehicle was at Tennessee St. and Trumbull Ave., S.E. The vehicle immediately fled the traffic stop attempt and the officer attempted to attach a tracking device to the vehicle, which was not successful. At 3:56 a.m., during the pursuit the officer advised that a passenger in the vehicle was actively firing several gunshots at pursuing officers.
According to a criminal complaint, the officer was conducting the traffic stop and heard loud pops coming from the direction of the Acura and hissing noises coming from his own vehicle. The officer also saw muzzle flashes from the position of the vehicle. The officer pursued the vehicle and clipped the back of the fleeing car and the police unit crashed into a tree. The offender vehicle came to a stop as well and all of the occupants fled. More Here
Albuquerque prepares for cold front moving into New Mexico. Help the homeless if you can.