I posted this report last week. But I just now received permission from Lifeway Research to post their entire report. I am very grateful.
It pains me to no ends to report this, but it needs the attention of Pastors and everyone. We have a major crisis here in America. Christianity is falling, just 4% of us have a Biblical Worldview. Watch the George Barna video above please. Will you also share this report with you Pastor and friends? WAKE UP CHURCH!
Trust in pastors continues to fall with only 30% of U.S. adults saying clergy members have high or very high levels of honesty and ethics.
By Aaron Earls
Fewer Americans than ever before say they trust pastors, according to Gallup.
The latest Honesty and Ethics survey finds only 30% of U.S. adults say clergy members have high or very high levels of honesty and ethics—a two percentage point drop from last year.
Around 2 in 5 (42%) say pastors have average levels of honesty and ethical standards. One in 5 (20%) rate their trustworthiness as low or very low, while 7% say they have no opinion. More Here
Few Pastors Bank on Prosperity Gospel. But, these beliefs are more prevalent among churchgoers.
What percentage of churchgoing people attend regularly depends on your threshold for what you consider regular attendance. If once a week, only 20% of Americans attend church at that rate, down from 32% in 2000. If we lower the threshold to once a month or more, the number of Americans in regular attendance jumps to 41% (this combines all respondents who answered weekly, almost every week, and about once a month in the Gallup survey). More From Churchtrac