Network TV news is going through many changes. Journalism is rare in network TV news. The networks lean toward whatever political view they have. Many ramble like idiots. It is very sad. I have said for years many American news departments lack true journalism. Many want to tells us what to beleive! Horrible. We also just witnessed here in America a major layoff in news departments: About 100 meteorologists around the U.S. are saying goodbye after getting fired. Patrece Dayton and Kevin Orpurt were among the dozens of meteorologists saying farewell to viewers. The TV stations affected are owned by billionaire Byron Allen, who also owns The Weather Channel. Times are changing very fast. There are so many ways to get the news now and TV news will continue to suffering a slow death.
I actually get ‘spiritually sick’ watching TV news. So many reporters would not know journalism if it bit them on the nose.
CNN plans to lay off hundreds of employees, cut costs; NBC plots firings
Mark Thompson Says New CNN Streaming Service Is in the Works as Channel Sets Major Restructuring
Meteorologist who went viral for prayer during tornado laid off in corporate restructuring move
We here at FGGAM always strive to bring you a Biblical Worldview. Just think, just 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview! You see what that has created right? Satan is devouring many Americans.