Billy Graham focused on unity among Christians, not on divisions. Crisis of Our Time!

Billy Graham crossed lines and courageously worked together with Christians of various backgrounds, doctrines, races, and churches.


My hope is always in JESUS, not man.

Father, I want to continue to always grow into more of an intimate relationship with You. Expose the areas of my life that hinder me from being Christlike, and cause my life to reflect the character of my precious Savior and Lord. Thank you Lord. I love you Lord so much. Thank you for my Sharon and children and grandchildren, please protect them Lord. I plow ahead for your glory! In the loving and powerful name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

I am exhausted from what has happened to my country in the past years……My heart aches for the Church, America, and the city of Albuquerque…….Jesus wept.

It pains me to write this…….

I have been preaching for unity in the Church for years. I have been so sadden to see the downward trend of Church attendance in America. Some of this, maybe more than some, is the fault of the American Church itself. Here in Albuquerque I see no unity. The three biggest Churches here garner around a total of 30,000 members. I do not know if the Pastors even talk together. Let me know if they do. I am told they do not communicate. Why?

I am not here to be a popular man. I am called by God to bring forth a Biblical Worldview on all matters. I am really sick and tried of all the killings going on here in Albuquerque. It is a hell hole. Abortions are happening here at a record level. New Mexico Abortion Landscape 2024: Dangerous Trend- Out of State Traffic and Chemical Abortions Expanding Throughout the State.  Murders almost everyday it seems. ABQ RAW Crime Stoppers Bulletin: Francisco Garcia-Franco and Javier Irigoyen. Homelessness is growing. Why do not the Churches unite and help? OPINON: 2025 will be a pivotal year for many churches. About 15,000 churches will close.

Why cannot the top three Churches and all Churches gather together and fill the streets of Albuquerque with the love and care of Jesus? Why is there a Church on every street corner, but yet the city has gone to hell. Why cannot we unite? Satan is devouring many all over America. Dr. George Barna – The Decline of Biblical Worldview in America; This is the Crisis of Our Time!

The following message is from 2028, but it still fits here in 2025.

Many Christian evangelists have worked within one Christian denomination or doctrinal system. However Billy Graham crossed lines and courageously worked together with Christians of various backgrounds, doctrines, races, and churches. (In the racially segregated South, he even broke local laws and made his crusades open for anyone to sit wherever they wanted.)

Billy Graham Crusades were an amazing thing to see: tens of thousands of people of various backgrounds and persuasions coming together to hear a humble and unassuming man talk about Jesus and His love for all people. Billy Graham cut through the sectarianism and divisions among Christians and brought them together to reach their city for Christ. The Rest of The Story Here

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