Believe For Success In 2025…
Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Have you ever thought you have all the necessary ingredients for your favorite recipe and begin to make it only to discover you are missing the main ingredient? I have.
Maybe you have had a mishap, and something happened and now the situation is beyond your control. There is no straightening it out. You just had to leave it with your Good Father and ask him to take care of it. I have been there, and you can trust he will.
I am thankful today that knowing God is our rear guard and goes behind us as well as before us makes this girl some happy. You mean I don’t have to be perfect God? God looks at the heart and that is all the matters. Keep your heart open before him in 2025 and get ready to walk in the year of abundance.
Ready to pray beautiful people?
Father, thank you that Isaiah 52:12 tells us that the Lord will go before us and the God of Israel will be our rear guard. That sure brings peace as we journey life. Father, go before us today and bless the work of our hands. Lead us and guide us today by the power of your Holy Spirit, we pray.
Father, set up divine appointments and destiny moments as we walk out our faith in you. Amen.
Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. This is your time. Thank him for it today! He desires for you to be successful in every way. He goes before you and behind you. He has you hemmed in.
You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. (Psalm 139:5)