Thank you Dewey and Sharon! We love you both!

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Three in four Americans consider nurses highly honest and ethical, making them the most trusted of 23 professions rated in Gallup’s annual measurement. Grade-school teachers rank second, with 61% viewing them highly, while military officers, pharmacists and medical doctors also earn high trust from majorities of Americans.
The least trusted professions, with more than half of U.S. adults saying their ethics are low or very low, are lobbyists, members of Congress and TV reporters.
Of the remaining occupations measured in the Dec. 2-18, 2024, poll, six (including police officers, clergy and judges) are viewed more positively than negatively by Americans, although with positive ratings not reaching the majority level. The other nine, notably including bankers, lawyers and business executives, are seen more negatively than positively, with no more than 50% rating their ethics low. More Here
Sharon and I hear the complaints against the American Church as we carry out the Great Commission in New Mexico, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Montana, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wyoming and all over the world with our website. Sharon and I are watching the downfall of the Church right before our eyes. You have to be blind if you do not see it! Just 4% of us have a Biblical Worldview. ONLY 37% of Pastors have a Biblcial Worldview! Watch the George Barna video below. How long have I warned about this, 21 years or more. Years ago in Ashville, NC. at a Time to Revive revival, it was prophesied over me that I would become a Watchman on ther Wall. It does not make me a popular guy, even with many Pastors! In know, I have been greatly hurt me too many.
So many Christians are educated…but…education without action is entertainment. They know the Words of God but…… So many Pastors and congregants never carry out The Great Commission. So many Churches no longer Baptize, some have not had a baptism in 6 years. Many no longer have children’s Sunday school, because they have NO CHILDREN!
To many empty Churches especially during the week! Why have all those empty rooms I see across New Mexico that are hardly used? Why have empty Churches during the week? Is that a wise use of God’s Church?
People see the failure of the America Church….do you? If you do, what are you doing about it?
So many Churches have proclaimed their own kingdom, people see it. The top three Churches here in Albuquerque garner around 30,000 combined on Sunday’s. Do the Pastors talk and work together to spread the love Jesus in Albuquerque? I understand from my friends they do not. Unity in the body is lacking in Albuquerque and all over America.
Last week I talked to an evangelist of a very effective ministry, Time to Revive, headed up by Kyle Martin. I have always called Kyle a young Billy Graham. I served on Kyle’s board at one time. Time to Revive just held a revival in Elkhart, Indiana. People from all over the world came! I got to talk to one of Kyle’s team members, evangelist Scott Troyer. Scott told me how the revival brought so many together, despite the lack of participation by many Churches! Why? Why Pastors? I see the same thing wherever I go, not much unity at all. What a SHAME! Scott told me he talks to many desperate Pastors, they see the destruction of the Church.
As the Church fails, the country fails……..A lot of Churches have become clubhouses.
One more important note: So many Pastors are all tied up in politics. I can tell you that Sharon and I have had so many folks tell us it is because of that they have left their Church. I identify many Churches my its politics rather than their belief in God. SO SAD!
Very tough message yes! But these are desperate times. My heart hurts very badly. I moan and groan at night, not much sleep these days. Many have made the Church a business model of God’s Church. Shame! We all should be about God’s business! Amen!
Yes, I know, the truth hurts.
A man was at our house this week and he was talking about why he has left the Church altogether. This man’s problem was that he has seen to many Pastors wanting to be show boats, meaning becoming a celebrity. It is rampant for sure. He stated like many who have left the Chuurch, “I can read my Bible at home.”
There is too much of this ugly, Satanic stuff in the American Church. I could start a rap sheet. It sure chases people away from God’s Church!
Arizona Pastor Admits Placing Video Camera and Recording Women in Church Bathroom
Televangelist Joyce Meyer Pauses Program at Daystar, Citing Scandal at Network
Christian school in North Carolina slapped with lawsuit over alleged sexual misconduct