I pray that Jonathan A. Barajas Nava gets the help he needs. We are thankful that nobody was hurt. Thank you LORD!
This report comes from the California Statewide Law Enforcement Association
“This defendant’s violent actions against a religious property put lives – including those of children – in danger,” said United States Attorney Martin Estrada. “I commend our federal and local partners for working together to arrest and prosecute this individual, whose criminal acts could have caused a much larger tragedy.”
According to his plea agreement, on April 24, 2024, Nava set fire to the Retreat Church and Yucaipa Christian Preschool in Yucaipa. Before setting the church on fire, Nava traveled to a nearby gasoline station and purchased a gasoline can and filled it with gasoline. He then traveled to the church with the can and poured the liquid on the church’s front door. Then, he used an open-flame device to set the area on fire. More Here