A Commentary – President Trump’s Inaugural Address

President Donald J. Trump gives 2025 Inaugural Address (1/20/2025). Credit: Julia Demaree Nikhinson / Pool | via REUTERS | via CNN [www.cnn.com]

My brothers and sisters, I watched with amazement this morning as (now) President Donald. J. Trump spoke before Vice Presidents Harris and Vance, and Presidents Clinton, G. W. Bush, Obama and Biden, in a serious, dignified and controlled manner.  Trump opened with the comment that much of what was going to be said was simply a matter of ‘common sense’ – an attribute which this writer agrees has gone out the window recently in American politics.

How refreshing it was to not have to listen to pettiness, negativity, belittling, scolding or ‘talking down’ to at least half of the nation, but instead listening to clear, well-spoken and confident statements of hope and faith in the possibilities of this great nation.  In many ways, it was reminiscent of President Ronald Reagan, who always spoke about our nation’s best days being ahead of us.

I was so very impressed that on the heels of President Biden preemptively pardoning several of his family members only moments before the start of the inauguration, that President Trump remained focused and highlighted his goals for restoring pride in being American, encouraging manufacturing and using the ‘liquid gold’ energy source beneath our feet for the betterment of the country and yes, the world, through U.S. exports of oil (and presumably natural gas, etc.).

He made it clear that America would strive to make the dream of Martin Luther King, Jr. come true, saying that “we [the United States] will not forget our God.”  He further promoted common sense and more importantly, Biblical truth, when he said that “it will, henceforth, be the policy of the United States that there are only two genders.”

He made it clear that illegal border crossings and the infiltration of criminal foreign-based gangs involved in trafficking and violence would be shut down, including through the use of the military, and that such gangs would be officially deemed to be terrorist organizations by the federal government.

He also spoke of hope in a future of American innovation and space exploration, including the planting of a U.S. flag on the soil of the planet Mars!  This sort of exhortation at the national level has been missing for a very long time and reminds this writer that with God, all things are possible.  It is my belief that when the United States prospers and hits its stride, the rest of the globe benefits as a result because we will have the strength (morally, financially and militarily) to protect and bless other nations from the deceit of the evil one.

I could produce a substantial ‘laundry list’ of what I perceived as wonderful policy positions from the speech, but the bottom line is that President Trump, on at least two or three occasions, made it clear that he would not forget the blessing of God on this nation.  I pray that those comments were not calculated, but heartfelt, as there is nothing more important in civil government that having leaders who seek the wisdom of God in all they do, and on a personal level, are willing to humble themselves daily before God in prayer and in life’s day-to-day activities.

Inauguration Day Prayer

Father, we ask for your blessing upon our land and its people.  As the United States sets out on another four-year period of political change (and restoration), we ask for Your wisdom and protection upon our leaders – right now, and most especially President Trump, who recently survived no less than two attempts upon his life.  We seek a future that is not dark, divided and apologetic, but rather, one in which our joy in the Lord becomes our strength and in which we seek You first in all matters.  Father, please lead and guide us, as a nation, to heal from within, to look to You for wisdom, and as individual persons, to remain humble and flexible, so that Your will – not our own political ambitions – is done.  We give You all the praise, honor and glory, and ask these things in Jesus’ name.  Amen!

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