We Say Yes To Your Assignment! Angel’s Prayer Of The Day…


We Say Yes To Your Assignment!

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. Today is the 337th day of 2024. We have only 29 days left of our best year yet. Life is good. Yesterday, at church we closed our eyes and asked the Holy Spirit to highlight something generous he would have us do this Christmas. I love this kind of message. I like to help people. I like to see the blessings come to people.

As I closed my eyes for my new assignment, another one came. I have several going already but will do whatever God asks.

Let’s all ask the Holy Spirit for an assignment all across this globe today. Everyone has something to give. Make life better for someone else, because you can.

Let’s Pray:

Father, we love you. You fill our heart fresh and anew every day. Fill it to overflowing with your love and use us today to be a blessing to the world around us. Father, bring hope to someone today through us, we pray.

Father, we surrender everything to you. Nothing we have, will we hold back. Our lives and all we have we will use for you, your assignments. Amen. Use us today to help all the beautiful people. Amen.

2 Corinthians 9:7 – “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.”


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