The Place of Power

Agreeing prayer?  Most who do attend a prayer meeting are not so much listening and agreeing with other prayers as they are mentally trying to come up with something to pray that may sound profound to someone else.



“ . . . that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. 22 And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one23 I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.

24 “Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.”   (John 17:21-24)

The weakness of the Church today in America is that we rush to the place of entertainment while avoiding the place we are called to, that is, the place of power.  Not just any power and not just any place; I speak of His Place and His Power.

Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2).     The preparation for the place was His Cross.    Further, “And . . . I will come again (resurrection?) and receive you to Myself; that where I am, (the place . . . His seat of authority, His Throne of prayer and power?) there you may be also.”  (John 14:3; Suggestive emphasis, mine).    In Matthew 28: 18, after His death, burial and resurrection, Jesus proclaimed to His disciples gathered where He was, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.”

Romans 8:34 says that Jesus “is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.”    In 1 John 2:1 we read that Jesus is our “advocate with the Father,” and from Hebrews 7:25 we learn that Jesus “­always lives to intercede” for us.   These speak of His place of power, on His Throne, the place of prayer.   “That where I am, there you may be also” . . . the place of prayer . . . the place of power!  

While we are still on this earth, He desires that we may be one with Him and the Father in the place of prayer, the Throne Room, in His power for His world!  Somehow in the Spirit, when we are intentionally praying His will to be done, on earth as it is in heaven, we enter the Throne Room of God where Power dwells.     But, alas, we are too busy entertaining ourselves to even notice we are avoiding power.

Christians gathered with God and with one another is not to be a place, or a moment of entertainment, but rather a time of battle and victory over the evils of the world through power filled prayer at the place He has prepared!   United prayer is grossly misunderstood in most American churches.   Even when a weekly prayer meeting is scheduled as with routine church activities, it is poorly attended, and those who come are not motivated by the Spirit to win!   We pray such prayer about Aunt Bertha’s goiter and other such things in very little faith that anything good will come of it.   We are standing in the place of power . . . defeated!

Agreeing prayer?  Most who do attend a prayer meeting are not so much listening and agreeing with other prayers as they are mentally trying to come up with something to pray that may sound profound to someone else.

Beloved, our world crumbles while waiting for God’s Church to awaken to the power of prayer.

In the year prior to my salvation in the LORD, my wife and I were coming under the conviction the there was something that we and our marriage was missing.  We wanted to provide our two children at the time with a better home and life experience than we were giving.  We thought together that maybe church would have that something we were missing.  So, we began to visit churches.  The churches we went to were so spiritually dead that they hardly noticed that we were there.  After several churches, we became frustrated and quit trying to find the help we needed through the church.

A year or so later, God brought a church that was coming alive to my door.   That was a praying church.  The pastor had sent a couple to share with me, while the church was united at the Throne of God praying for my soul.   There was a power in my living room that could only be explained by God’s presence.

That is the unity of the church, gathered to pray for power, that America so desperately needs today.  Oh Church, that we would awaken united in power into powerful prayer in this New Year, 2025!      We do not need to be entertained any longer.    What we need is that we would entertain the Almighty God as being one with Him in the Place of Power . . . the Throne of our LORD Jesus Christ   Beloved, let “us” gather united before God in holy, righteous, powerful prayer throughout 2025 and beyond.   Let’s make 2025 the Year of Prayer for the Glory of God!  Will you commit to this as one with Him?!

Our Father in heaven, come upon us in power and hallow Your name first in Your sleepy Church then throughout America and the world.

We pray as one with longing in our hearts for a powerful move of Your Holy Spirit to break through in a Revival of Your Churches in America in 2025.  We are sorry for how we have moved away from You, ignored Your Word to us, and neglected You as LORD.  Forgive us.  Break us.   Change our hearts.  Humble us.   Make us new in Christ alone.

LORD, people around us are lost and hurting, and we are distracted from who we are to be in You.  We admit our sin and our need for Your powerful, supernatural work.  Holy Spirit, come in mighty power like You did at Pentecost so long ago in the book of Acts.   LORD, Your believers were praying and waiting as one in You, and in one place and Your power shook the room while the Holy Spirit spilled out onto everyone there.

Draw us closer to Christ.  Give us boldness to pray believing.  Make us so hungry for revival at any cost, so that the world might be filled with Your glory moving toward a great Spiritual Awakening throughout America and the world.   Shake us out of our contentment.    Open our minds.   

And LORD, we know that powerful moves of the Spirit must be times of great change.  May Your Spirit prepare us for whatever You know must come.  Protect us, and keep us in fervent repentant prayer, looking always to Jesus Christ, in Whose name we pray.  Amen!

Beloved Believer, Happy New Year!   And even more so, Pray On, in great power to revival and awakening

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