Praise: An Expression of Love

The Lord is worthy of acclaim. He is our Friend, our Rock, and our Protector. What’s more, He saved us from death! If we let ourselves get caught up in others’ opinions, we could forget that God’s viewpoint is the only one that matters. Ever since creation, the Lord has deserved and received praise offerings. Don’t let fear or discomfort keep you from expressing your love and appreciation. How can you glorify Him today?


Praise: An Expression of Love

Spend time today praising God for His abundant love and goodness.

December 2, 2024

Psalm 150:1-6

Most of us know what it feels like to love someone. We think about him or her often; we share stories and describe attributes so others know how remarkable the person is. In a word, we praise the one we love.

In the book of Psalms, that’s exactly how David talked about God. His writings are filled with worship and sentiments such as “Because Your favor is better than life, my lips will praise You” (Ps. 63:3). He also danced with abandon, expressing his passion and devotion before the Lord—he didn’t care what others would think (2 Sam. 6:14).

Do we love God with the same enthusiasm David had? Some of us may be less prone to fervent, emotional displays than others are. But we should never allow embarrassment or timidity to stifle our praise.

The Lord is worthy of acclaim. He is our Friend, our Rock, and our Protector. What’s more, He saved us from death! If we let ourselves get caught up in others’ opinions, we could forget that God’s viewpoint is the only one that matters. Ever since creation, the Lord has deserved and received praise offerings. Don’t let fear or discomfort keep you from expressing your love and appreciation. How can you glorify Him today?

Bible in One Year: 2 Corinthians 1-4

Prepare Him Room - Advent Sermon Series



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