Thank you Dewey and Sharon! We love you both!
It is so very important for Christian radio/tv stations provide their audience with news from a Biblical Worldview. The owners of the stations need to help GOD with breaking through the ‘nothing noise’ of the world. BRING THE NEWS FROM A BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW! LOCAL AND NATIONAL! HAVE A SOLID NEWS STAFF! GO AGANST THE GRAIN OF EVIL! So many news departments have fallen into awful journalism practices, there is not much journalism left in America. It is our duty here at FGGAM to ALWAYS report from a Biblcial Worldview, not a political worldview! Politics is the play ground of Satan! That playground is more visible than ever here in America and around the world! SO MUCH NOTHING NOISE! Satan loves it! America is so divided!
Owners of stations need to help their listeners CUT THROUGH the evil! Bring the news from a Biblical perspective! Do you hear me? HAVE YOUR OWN STAFF! You need to relate the news of the day through a Biblical lens. I am thankful for my partner Chuck Akeley who helps me so much here at FGGAM to bring forth the news. We are not perfect but we do our best for our LORD. We ‘use’ the news of the day to show people that JESUS is the only answer to our problems, not politics.
I wanted to share this report from RADIOINK with you, very interesting…..
In the wake of the 2024 elections, radio news outlets are already worried about audience erosion – but a new study reveals that two areas of news coverage, in particular, could lead to active avoidance from a majority of Americans in the days ahead.
The data from AP-NORC, which surveyed 1,251 American adults, reveals that 65% feel the need to limit their media consumption about government and politics, highlighting a growing sense of information overload. This fatigue is highest (72%) among Democrats. 63% of Independents follow and even 59% of Republicans expressed a need to limit their intake of political news. More Here
YEAR IN REVIEW: 2024 Stories of Significance
China probes personal disputes after mass killings. Many fear further infringement on freedoms