FGGAM’s Strengths As We Move Into 2025

Yesterday (12/30/2024), I had the privilege of sharing some thoughts about For God's Glory Alone Ministries during our annual board meeting.  I pray that as we move beyond 2024 and into 2025, that the love of Christ will continue to reign supreme in our hearts!

Credit: Crosslink Community Church, Rockingham, VA [www.crosslinkva.com]

Yesterday (12/30/2024), I had the privilege of sharing some thoughts about For God’s Glory Alone Ministries during our annual board meeting.  I pray that as we move beyond 2024 and into 2025, that the love of Christ will continue to reign supreme in our hearts!

FGGAM’s Strengths As We Move Into 2025

Since its inception more than 12 years ago, For God’s Glory Alone Ministries (“FGGAM”) has been blessed of God with growth, maturity and impact – due, in no small part, to Pastor Dewey and Sharon Moede’s vision and insistence that all of the organization’s work is performed through the lens of a Biblical Worldview.

A key strength of the ministry is that FGGAM has been blessed with dedicated writers and ministers who bring diverse and unique gifts to the organization.

Whether it’s prayerfully bringing a daily scripture (Kelly Snelgrove); writing short stories of how God impacts real lives and families (GeorgeAnn Dingus); writing articles focusing on the practical application of scripture in our day-to-day lives (Connie Keyohara); writing articles teaching the truths of the Bible from the perspective and heart of a local pastor (Ed Solis); writing articles about being ‘real’ in our faith walk and working through life’s issues with godly wisdom (Shari Johnson); writing inspiring daily prayers revealing God’s heart, with a strong understanding of the importance of musical worship (Angel Murchison); writing articles elaborating and commenting on select local, national or international news articles and bringing related Biblical truths from the background to the foreground with supporting scriptures (Chuck Akeley); writing timely, hard-hitting news, commentary and inspirational articles every morning, with preparation beginning well before sunrise (Dewey Moede); and contributors such as FGGAM Vice Chairman and Pastor Bill Ruhl, and others, who submit articles or teachings as led by God; these diverse and God-fearing contributors are a blessing and represent a key strength of FGGAM!

I believe that as FGGAM moves into 2025, the organization’s strength – beyond the incredible love, mercy, grace, favor, calling and leading of God Almighty – will be the continued growth and use of FGGAM’s contributors, who will continue to bring diverse and unique perspectives to the ministry.

For those who receive ministry from FGGAM, whether through a church service, conference, marriage, funeral, counseling, on the streets, or through the articles published on the website, FGGAM will remain a light in the darkness, speaking the truth in love, encouraging all to name Jesus as Lord, and walking with integrity and a heart for Christ – and always from the perspective of a Christian and Biblical Worldview.

The Bible tells us that God will complete the good work He has begun in our lives (Philippians 1:6).

Philippians 1:6 (NKJV)
“…being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ…”.

And, the answer to every problem we encounter is found in Jesus!  I desire to end with this (as it has changed my life):  The Truth is a Person and His name is Jesus (John 14:6).

John 14:6 (NKJV)
“Jesus said to [Thomas], ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through Me.’”

Praise Jesus forevermore!

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