Dr. George Barna – The Decline of Biblical Worldview in America; This is the Crisis of Our Time!

The crisis of our time! George Barna discusses the role of parents and churches, and urgent issues impacting spiritual development in today's society.


FGGAM has dedicated much time to this issue! It seems it is falling on deaf ears! I have dedicated my life to this message that Dr. Barna has been brining forth for years now. Wake up Church! I am mourning over the Church in America, much of it has turned into the world. Give me JESUS! How are you doing in spreading the love of JESUS? Planting seeds of love and care of our Lord.

Dr. George Barna joins Thinking Dad host, Garritt Hampton, to delve into raising children with a biblical worldview. Dr. Barna, renowned researcher and author of “Raising Spiritual Champions,” discusses the essential cornerstones of a biblical worldview, the role of parents and churches, and urgent issues impacting spiritual development in today’s society.

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Christianity in America is declining for a number of reasons, including: 

  • Secularization

    A gradual decline in adherence to Christianity, with more people observing spiritual concepts without being part of an organized religion 

  • Church attendance

    The number of Americans who attend religious services at least once a week has decreased, and the number who say they never attend has increased 

  • Church reputation

    Scandals in the Roman Catholic Church and the Southern Baptist Convention, the spread of White Christian nationalism, and the perception that the church oppresses marginalized groups have all damaged the church’s reputation 

  • Disillusionment

    Some people feel disillusioned and disheartened by a focus on ritual over relationship, dogma over discipleship, and performance over presence 

  • Political polarization

    The Republican Party is seen as the party of organized religion, while the Democratic Party is seen as the party of secular America 

According to a Pew Research Center study, the Christian majority in the US may disappear by 2070. In three of its four scenarios, the percentage of Christians plunges to less than half the population by 2070

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