A Dream Of A Child… Angel’s Prayer Of The Day


A Dream Of A Child…

Good morning beautiful people, good morning. This morning, I awaken early thinking about the outreach our ministry just completed. I am listening to the instrumental soundscapes  Waves of Abundance by John Tussey this morning, as I sit quietly before our God.

The white tree decorated in abundance with a Candy Land theme twirling for all to see. Festival of Trees was such a delight as they raised monies for the local children’s dental clinic here in town.

As a friend inquired of a young girl shopping with her mother what she liked for decorations, her face lit up as she pointed to the bright, pastel ornaments with lollipops and candy. As we continued to fill the shopping cart, I remembered the painting I had previously purchased at an art show here in the star city. Rick Kavanaugh, with his artistic gift painted an amazing landscape and titled it Candy Land. 

Our carts now filled with an abundance of toys for the winner of the tree. Along with an assortment of children’s books and Bible’s our outreach was now complete. Oh, how Jesus loves the children of the world.

If only you could have seen their faces. Big smiles, dreams of winning, the heart of every child. I too felt like a kid in the candy store myself that day. My greatest prayer is that many will discover the greatest gift. The one they can read about in the book under the tree, but desires to live in the heart of everyone.

Let’s Pray:

Father, thank you for the gift of children. May their little hearts be filled with peace, joy, love and happiness. May they never lose their dreams.

Father, we pray for their safety and protection this morning. Keep evil far from them we pray.

Father, may the light that shines within them, shine brightly today and every day. May they never lose their smile. We thank you for their lives. Lead them and guide them and let your favor rest upon them all the days of their lives, we pray.

Father, may you meet the needs of every child. Not one child left behind. Amen.

Have a blessed day God’s most beautiful people. Bless a child today, because you can.

Isaiah 9:6-7 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.




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