Park Cities Baptist Church in Dallas withdraws from Southern Baptist Convention

The website for Park Cities Baptist Church staff listing currently does not include any women who carry the title “pastor.” However, Pastor Jeff Warren has advocated for women in ministry. “Jesus did not genderize the Great Commission, nor does God dispense spiritual gifts to his children according to sex. We must release every girl and boy, woman and man into their God-given calling, not putting parameters around anyone based on sex, ethnicity or status,” Warren wrote in an opinion article published March 21, 2023, in the Baptist Standard.

Apostle Barbara Gould (2016) | FGGAM

The debate in many Churches/denominations continues…….I had a dear friend and a Pastor get into an argument one day years ago over the issue of women Pastors. When my friend found out that the Pastor’s deceased wife had been a preacher, he went on a verbal attack. I was sadden by that. We should not fight each other, for heavens sake. That surely did not honor God.

I will say that if it were not for the women of the Church, we would have no Church. I have heard so many women preachers over my lifetime, they can really bring it! One of these precious souls is the late Barbara Gould, who served on the FGGAM Board for years. God bless the memory of Apostle Barbara Gould! Let me share with you about the memorial service for Apostle Barbara Gould, Plus: My 2016 interview with Barbara about her mission trip to Kenya

At this point the men of the Church are not getting the work done in America! George Barna: “People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric”

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Baptist Standard

Ken Camp / Managing Editor

Park Cities Baptist Church was organized in 1939 as a Southern Baptist church, and former pastors served in a variety of leadership roles in the national convention.

However, for at least two decades, the church’s involvement with the SBC essentially has been limited to support for its mission programs.

While the statement from Park Cities Baptist did not specify exactly what prompted the decision to withdraw from the SBC, the Southern Baptists at their annual meeting in June debated a constitutional amendment that would have barred from the SBC churches that employ female pastors.

Messengers to the annual meeting voted 61.45 percent to 38.38 percent in favor of the amendment limiting “friendly cooperation” with the SBC to a church that “affirms, appoints, or employs only men as any kind of pastor or elder as qualified by Scripture.”

Although a majority approved the measure, it failed because amendments to the SBC constitution require two-thirds approval at two consecutive annual meetings.

The website for Park Cities Baptist Church staff listing currently does not include any women who carry the title “pastor.” However, Pastor Jeff Warren has advocated for women in ministry.

“Jesus did not genderize the Great Commission, nor does God dispense spiritual gifts to his children according to sex. We must release every girl and boy, woman and man into their God-given calling, not putting parameters around anyone based on sex, ethnicity or status,” Warren wrote in an opinion article published March 21, 2023, in the Baptist StandardMore Here

Pastor Bill Ruhl: Women in Ministry. Should They Serve as Pastors?

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