Happy 96th Birthday Cowboy Deacon Dave! Staying Faithful Forever! Glory!

For many years Dave served as head Deacon at the First Baptist Church in Magdalena, NM. I met Dave and his lovely bride of almost 65 years Ruth years ago when I was filling in for Pastor Paul Holt. Sharon and I fell in love with them right away. They both are all sold out to JESUS! They are role models for us all. Despite hardships, like health issues, they have remained so very faithful to JESUS. They are not bashful about sharing the love and ways of our LORD! Glory!

FGGAM Photo of Pastor Dewey Moede with Dave and Ruth Ryan of Magdalena, NM at the First Baptist Church.
Dave and Ruth Ryan

FGGAM Photo: Pastor Dewey Moede and his dear friend and mentor Charles McCargish. They have been friends for years. This photo was taken at Joan McCargish’s funeral service, Charles lovely bride. Dewey is so very, very thankful for all the friends he has across America and the world. They keep him YOUNG! Dewey met Charles at the FBC Church in Reserve. They remain friends to this day. Dewey credits Charles and many others for helping him become a better man of God and Pastor.
Photo From The Baptist New Mexican. Claude Cone, a New Mexico native, pastors Monterey Baptist Church, Albuquerque. He formerly served 20 years as the Baptist Convention of New Mexico’s executive director after pastoring in Texas.
Photo: Submitted
FGGAM Photo of Cowboy Deacon Dave Ryan! Dave and Dewey have had so many good conversations over the years in person and over the phone! Best friends forever!

One of my best friends is Deacon Cowboy Dave Ryan, he is a saint. Dave has taught me so much over the years, by his words of wisdom and by watching his walk with Jesus.

One of the best definitions of a saint is from AI.

A true saint of Jesus is someone who has put their trust in Jesus and turned away from their sins. The Bible teaches that all Christians are saints, and that they are called to be saints by living in a way that reflects their connection with Jesus Christ.

What grabbed me about this definition is “A saint is someone who has put their trust in Jesus .

Glory! That describes my dear friend Dave Ryan who turns 96 today! Dave and his bride Ruth now live in a nursing home in Socorro, New Mexico. Dave and Ruth will have been married 65 years in April. WOW! What a testimony to us all! By the way Ruth’s mom Sissy lives in the same facility and she is 103 years young!!!!!!!!!! glory! Holy Cow!

For many years Dave served as head Deacon at the First Baptist Church in Magdalena, NM. I met Dave and Ruth years ago when I was filling in for Pastor Paul Holt. Sharon and I fell in love with them right away. They both are all sold out to JESUS! They are role models for us all. Despite hardships, like health issues, they have remained so faithful to JESUS. I pray for them daily. My card catalog is full and spilling all over my office floor, but I do remember the blessings that Dave and Ruth have been to me and Sharon and hundreds of others by living for JESUS. Their testimonies preach! How about yours?

I am having lunch with another saint next week, soon to be 89 year-old Dr. Claude Cone: Stay Faithful to the End

I have been blessed by having so many role models. Men and women who whose lives stay faithful to JESUS to the end. Their lives shine the light of JESUS constantly! They are a walking testimony! They are the hands and feet of JESUS!

Happy 96th Birthday Deacon Cowboy Dave Ryan and happy upcoming 89th birthday Dr. Clade Cone.

Reasons Every Church Needs Senior Saints in Ministry, My Tribute to Charles and Joan McCargish

Surround yourself with saints…….one of the best things you can ever do!

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