Several years ago, I was with the team of Time to Revive when Kyle Martin led a revival there! It was a huge victory for our LORD! I was still the manager of KKIM Christian radio in Albuquerque at the time, I was blessed to broadcast live reports from Ashville!
Please help the victims of the hurricane if you can. More volunteers needed after historic disaster
Baptist Press
By Todd Deaton/Baptist Courier, posted October 3, 2024 in Disaster Relief
WEST ASHEVILLE, N.C. – Not all of Asheville is destroyed. Grace Baptist Church in West Asheville sits on high ground and was protected from the storm. That protection has allowed members to fill their building with donations that will be distributed to hurting individuals across the surrounding area.
“There are towns that don’t even exist anymore,” said Branton Burleson, lead pastor of Grace Baptist Church.
Burleson said there was devastation just a mile from the church, specifically in the River Arts District and surrounding the French Broad River. Though Grace Baptist Church experienced flooding in the basement, which will cost roughly $50,000 to repair, most of its large space was preserved.
“We’re on high ground, so this neighborhood was spared,” Burleson said.

Lay pastor Philip Priddy said, “We’re uniquely positioned to where we can really assist. We were not as heavily impacted as a lot of folks were.”
Priddy said that NC Baptists on Mission will distribute the donations to local churches who will deliver the goods to their own communities.
But where did the donations come from? The Rest of The Story Here