SHAME! A ‘PALL’ COVERS NEW MEXICO! 20,950 Babies Lost to Abortion

I have a 'bone to pick' here with the people of New Mexico.....

Image from Right to Life Committee of New Mexico. Right to Life Committee of New Mexico has been running ads highlighting the horrific laws we have in our state regarding life.
Sharon and I met Amy in Laramie, Wyoming a year ago so on a Great Commission trip. Amy’s family is growing. Glory to God! We love this family. We love sharing JESUS and carrying out The Great Commission. Here is what Amy wrote on Facebook: Today my little family received this bible in the mail. And I am so excited to get diving into it. Bubba and I have decided that we are going to read a chapter a night.
Thank you Dewey and Sharon! We love you both!

This may be the toughest, saddest post I have written in my life…….I weep and mourn the loss of life everyday now…….

2 Timothy 2:21-23
“If you stay away from sin you will be like one of these dishes made of purest gold—the very best in the house—so that Christ himself can use you for his highest purposes”


I have a ‘bone to pick’ here with the people of New Mexico…..

This figure of  20,950 babies being killed makes me sick! The blood of God’s babies is on the hands of all people in New Mexico. This horrific figure shows the weakness of Christians in this state. Such shame. More New Mexicans have stopped going to church I do not even know if people know what the word SHAME mean anymore, and if they do, they think its MEAN to say. What does the Bible say about abortion? Simply put, abortion is murder. It is the killing of a human being created in the image of God. Satanic Temple opens ‘religious’ abortion clinic, promotes abortion ritual. New Mexico Invites Satan In. I grew up in a wonderful family back home in Windom, Minnesota. I had the best parents ever! The word shame was not often said at all in our home because us kids never wanted to be shammed! We never wanted to do anything wrong!

I want to thank all of the organizations that fight for God’s babies here in New Mexico. I cannot list them all, but the ones that come to mind are…..CareNet, the precious sidewalk ministries, Right to Life Committee of New Mexico, Love Life, Desert Rose Women’s Resource Center, NM Alliance For Life, and many others who stand in the gap for God’s babies everyday. They all are unsung heroes.

Do you Know what PALL means? I have been sharing that term with Sharon here of late as things get dark. For over 12 years here at FGGAM and before that 8 years at KKIM, and before that at Dewey’s Daily Cup, which started back in 1997, I have shared the term, PALL, which is a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb….a dark cloud or covering of smoke. That surely describes New Mexico, a PALL.

I do not even know if this state and our nation knows how to MOURN the killings of God’s babies…….Have you noticed that America never stops to mourn? America now goes from one tragedy to the next like nothing has happened, never taking time to mourn and seek the face of JESUS. Many now have politicians as their savior. Tragic that the GOP is also now playing political football with God’s babies. They will have to answer to God as the while as DEMS, who have been lost for years.

Please help the Right to Life Committee of New Mexico of you can…..

Right to Life Committee of New Mexico has been running ads highlighting the horrific laws we have in our state regarding life.

Help the Right to Life Effort if you can: We are short this month on our fundraising goal. We would like to expand our campaigns reach and be able to get our ads in front of everyone in the state.

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