The Breakdown of the family and Church in America are all tied together. My goodness! I have been reporting and preaching on this now for nearly 20 years! Satan is having his way in breaking up families at a record level. The Church is losing its influence.
Divorce, drugs, booze, phonography, sexual affairs, gambling, spousal abuse, child abuse and other evil bring disaster to families. It is right before YOUR EYES! What are you doing about it?
The Church is losing its influence in America. Only 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview! Look at Facebook, you see it right before your eyes, even from people who proclaim to be a Christian! George Barna: “People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric”
The teenager is accused of pointing a firearm at a security officer. They will remain in custody after a judge ruled the teen was too dangerous to be released from juvenile detention, according to Bernalillo County District Attorney Sam Bregman.
Security approached a vehicle in the parking lot and two teens were inside, according to police. This happened at 3 a.m., Monday, Sept. 30. The security guard told police a firearm was pointed at her. More Here
New Mexico’s Data Collection System for Children’s Firearm Injury Deaths
By the way for those of you who live in Albuquerque have you been paying attention to all the car crashes in the city? So many crash into buildings. I had a friend say that her driving instructor said it is because of the legalization of pot! I have been think of the same thing! This state stinks to high heaven! Legalized pot! Drunk driving, drugs, record number of babies slaughtered through abortion, even ther GOP has caved on the killing of God’s babies! ………the mix of evil that Satan ordered! PS! Why is the GOP allowing the governor to build a 10 million dollar baby slaughter house? Call it like it is! The GOP is so weak. New Mexico INVITES SATAN AND HIS WAYS!
The GOP in New Mexico is so weak it could not even beat the worst governor I have ever seen! The GOP here needs to leadership. It is so bad. Bot the GOP seems to enjoy its failures. This is one reason why America needs a strong third party, like Teddy Roosevelt started back in the early 1900’s, the BULL MOOSE PARTY! Right now we are dead in the water with two bad parties. Bull Moose Party
Someone needs to break up the corruption of both parties. Lord have mercy!
Where are the Pastors? Where are the Christians? I beleive many are tied up in politics!
The GOP has thrown the Pro Life movement under the bus! Shame on them! Please also read the reports below how New Mexico continues to feed evil by letting the CYFD continue as is……A FAILURE FOR YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!! The GOP and DEMS share this evil.
New Mexico grandma speaks out after CYFD attempts to reunite child with parents facing abuse charges
CYFD security guard shoots man after attack outside Albuquerque facility