I have preached and reported for years that America has a heart issue. Lack of hearts for JESUS! Just 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview. Barna Research. Here in New Mexico, fewer people are going to Church and look at the state! Its gone to hell. New Mexico is a destination point for abortions. The state is now building a 10 million dollar abortion factory. SHAME! A ‘PALL’ COVERS NEW MEXICO! 20,950 Babies Lost to Abortion. The Church in New Mexico and all over America must leave their walls and go and plant seeds for JESUS! JESUS is our ALL! His commands say it all. When is the last time you have read the Ten Commandments?
You cannot regulate morality, it starts at home……Do you have young people in your Church? Are you baptizing folks? Are you raising up mature Christians to go and serve JESUS in your community? Are you changing your community for JESUS?
As Dr. Jim Denison states, “We are a broken culture.”
Denison Forum
October 24, 2024 – Jim Denison, PhD
A new analysis shows that abortions have increased in nearly every state that banned abortion, as women responded to these bans by traveling to clinics in states where abortions were legal or ordering abortion pills online.
Legislating morality is essential to a functioning society, or we cannot have speed limits and prohibitions against murder. But it doesn’t necessarily make us more moral. For example, despite laws against sex trafficking, prostitution, and abusing the elderly and those with disabilities:
- Former Abercrombie & Fitch CEO has been arrested on sex trafficking and interstate prostitution charges.
- Popular culture is continuing to normalize prostitution, euphemistically calling it “sex work.”
- Elderly dementia patients are unknowingly fueling political campaigns.
- American Airlines has been fined $50 million for mistreating passengers with disabilities.
If laws are not enough, how do we change a broken culture? More Here
80% of Protestant churchgoers want Pastors to address hot topics
CRUSHING! Majority of Christians Confess to Using Porn — And Many Are Comfortable With It