I love this from one of my heroes of faith, Adrian Rogers…it fits like a glove in 2024………If you read and study the Bible but don’t apply it, it’ll backfire on you. Inspiration apart from obedience will cause the Word of God to sour in you just like food you eat but fail to digest. You must put these things into practice. Don’t sing, “O How I Love Jesus” if you’re not receiving and keeping His commandments.
That is SALT and LIGHT!

Thank you Dewey and Sharon! We love you both!
I am sick reading this…I could vomit on how people fall into hell. I am very grateful to all law enforcement officials. The culture in America is rapidly changing. It is going to get darker in the coming months. The American Church is losing its influence on a daily basis. Here are two messages all Pastors and congregants need to reed and take action. Go D.E.E.P.E.R. in Discipleship. Pastor, are you developing and mobilizing leaders?
Your not going to change the world staying in your walls. Think Mother Tereasa!
Just 4% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview, and think of this! Just 37% of Pastors have a Biblcial Worldview! The American is in a deep crisis. HIT THE STREETS!
At least eight suspected child predators are behind bars and facing charges after falling into traps laid out by law enforcement.
No actual children were in any danger because all of the suspects were unknowingly chatting with undercover detectives.