Is your Church growing? if not, why not? Do you have a strong children’s program? Is the average age of attendees 65 plus? How many baptisims has your Church officiated over the last year? What are you doing to reach into your community? I see too many dying Churches.
Sharon and I love outreach! we love all people. we love to hear their stories why they do not go to Church. We just returned from Alaska and heard from many that politics has ruined Church for them. I have to tell you the majority of people we talked to do not attend a Church. The stats show the Church is losing its effectiveness for God. This is why carrying out The Great Commission is so very vital. George Barna: “People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric” The spiritual battle is out in the streets and byways of America. It can be conquered in showing the love of JESUS CHRIST! GLORY! Many Pastors and congregants have fallen in love with political candidates, huge mistake! They have lost 50% or more of perspective attendees.
Many Churches are now identified by their politics and not JESUS! Horrible shame! I thank the Lord for the calling He has placed on my heart and my bride Sharon. God teaches us much and using us in very humble ways. We are not in this to be popular. We are in this because God called us into FGGAM. God has given us so much passion and love for all people!
Changing the world for JESUS is not going to happen within your walls or on social media, it is going to happen on the streets and byways of your community. Get out of your comfort zone! Too many Pastors love preaching to the choir!
I pray this message helps you and your Church.
Outreach Magazine
“We go downtown every Friday night, and we pass water bottles to people who are coming out of the clubs or just hanging around,” says Sonia Figueroa, student ministries director and pastor to 20s and 30s at Faith Assembly of God (No. 72 fastest-growing) in Orlando, Florida.
“There was one girl we gave a water bottle to. A few weeks later, she showed up at church. She was going through a hard time and decided to come. She came for a few weeks and then she gave her heart to God. A year or two later, she decided to intern for us. She met her husband at church. Now she and her husband are on staff. She is our assimilation coordinator. The very ministry that God used to save her is the one that she now runs.”
Each year we seek out stories and principles behind the numbers that churches report for the Outreach 100 Fastest-Growing Churches list. This year Lifeway Research interviewed those seeing encouraging things happening in their ministry to those in their 20s. More Here
Years ago when I was helping a Church through a split, Joseph Bunce, then the head of the Baptist Convention in New Mexico told me, “Dewey, some Churches just need a funeral!” That shocked me! I never heard that before! I now believe that with all my heart. I see to many dead Churches. So tragic.
No young people, no future……..
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:
just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.
–John 13:34-35
Got Questions states: A disciple is someone who receives instruction from another person; a Christian disciple is a baptized follower of Christ, one who believes the teaching of Christ. A disciple of Christ imitates Jesus’ example, clings to His sacrifice, believes in His resurrection, possesses the Holy Spirit, and lives to do His work. The command in the Great Commission to “make disciples” means to teach or train people to follow and obey Christ. More Here