Bible Study: God’s magnificent glory

How does God’s creation inspire you to worship Him?


Baptist Press

By Staff/Lifeway Christian Resources, posted September 5, 2024 in Lifeway

NASHVILLE (BP) — This weekly Bible study appears in Baptist Press in a partnership with Lifeway Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Through its Leadership and Adult Publishing team, Lifeway publishes Sunday School curricula and additional resources for all age groups.

This week’s Bible study is adapted from the Bible Studies For Life curriculum.

Bible Passages: Psalms 8:1-6; 14:1-7

Discussion Questions:

  • What’s the most interesting repurpose project you’ve seen?
  • How does God’s creation inspire you to worship Him?
  • How has God restored you since turning to Christ?

Food for Thought

Do you remember the first time you saw a mountain rising from the horizon? Or do you recall the first time you stood on the beach and saw nothing but an expansive ocean before you? I don’t know about you, but experiences like that capture my attention. That’s because the greatness of creation reflects the greatness of the Creator. It makes me want to shout with David, “Lord, our Lord, how magnificent is your name throughout the earth!” (Psalm 8:1).

His magnificence is not hidden. The planet we live on shouts this in a million wondrous ways. But God’s creation and His greatness aren’t limited to just our planet. “You have covered the heavens with your majesty.” (v. 1).

Consider the moon. Scientists have learned that if the moon were any larger, it would cause all sorts of problems. The earth tilts at a perfect 23.4 degrees, for example, but a larger moon and its resulting stronger gravitational pull would cause the earth to tilt so far in one direction that one side of the planet would experience unbearable heat and the other side would only know a subzero climate. More Here

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