HEARTBREAK: Scott Appelman the Founder of Rainbow Ryders dies unexpectedly

KOB TV: Most people know Scott Appelman as the founder of Rainbow Ryders, the largest hot air balloon ride company in the country, and a major player during the Balloon Fiesta. But that’s only scratching the surface of everything he did for ballooning. The people who knew him best say the sport is better off because of him.


We are sadden to get this news. KOB TV reports The hot air ballooning community is saying goodbye to one of their most impactful figures. Scott Appelman died unexpectedly Thursday at 66 years old. Founder of Rainbow Ryders dies unexpectedly

We turn to our Lord more than ever at times like this. Our love and prayers go out to Scott’s family and thousands of friends. We mourn with you all. I did not know Scott, but reading about him, I can tell he made this world a better place! Glory! Steve Stucker Pays Tribute To Rainbow Ryders Founder Scott Appelman

People from all over the world come to ABQ for the Balloon Fiesta! Here is some history for you of this spectacular event!

There are many Bible verses about death, including verses about grief, comfort, and the meaning of life:
  • John 11:25-26
    Jesus says, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die”.
  • Psalm 23:4
    This psalm discusses the relationship between the Lord and those who have died, and how the Lord is present throughout the journey of death.
  • Psalm 116:15
    This verse promises that if a loved one was a believer, God will treasure their rebirth into eternal life with him, and that the loved one will be seen again one day.
  • Philippians 1:21
    This verse states, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain”. Some say this verse is a profound statement about the meaning of life and death.
    Heaven is a prepared place, are you prepared for heaven?

Mourning is the state of being in deep grief. We mourn over a profound loss, such as the death of a loved one or a crippling accident. We also mourn over our own sins or mistakes. We mourn for the purity of heart we once enjoyed or for a future our choices have destroyed. Mourning is part of being human. It is an expression of our hearts when something we value has been taken from us. It can also be a way to convey our agreement with God’s moral law that we have violated. Mourning, although painful, can help us align our hearts with the heart of God: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). More Here


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