HEARTBREAK! OH LORD! 13-year-old budding preacher who lived for the ‘Glory of God’ killed for camera

The Christian Post: Prosecutors say, according to the Kent Reporter, that Matthiew was killed on July 16 after he accompanied his 15-year-old sister and a juvenile friend to Turnkey Park to sell a camera and equipment. The transaction was arranged through OfferUP, an online mobile-first marketplace.

Photo From The Christian Post. The late Matthiew Stavkovy, 13, reads Scripture at Bread of Life Church in Kent, Washington. | Screengrab/YouTube/Bread of Life Church

America is going to hell faster and faster. The nation has gone mad. Dirty, rotten politics is not going to solve our problems! JESUS! JESUS! is the only way to peace. JESUS is always the answer. The problem here in America we are no longer a Christian nation and it is so very tragic. The Church as a whole does not know how to connect with an unbelieving America. So many do not want anything to do with a Church. We see it! We hear it! We are a on the street, Great Commission ministry! What is one of the greatest enemies of the Church? THE WALLS!

There are no morals in America…….

We mourn the loss of this little boy. This is the America we all have created………..what are you doing about it? Hate? So many hate on Facebook, I saw a Christian man attack a Pastor on Facebook yesterday, the man did not agree with the Pastors politics. This is just what Satan loves! Christians fighting Christians, and it will get worse as times goes on…… As I have said to all the deaf ears out there, Politics is the playground of Satan!

The Christian Post

Matthiew Stavkovy, a 13-year-old boy well-known at his local church in Kent, Washington, as a budding preacher, singer and musician, was mourned by his family and community Sunday, approximately two weeks after he was fatally shot in the back during the robbery of a camera.

There was no shortage of tears among both the young and old during Matthiew’s memorial service held at the Way to Salvation Church on Sunday as his family and friends shared moving memories of the life he lived before it was cut short on July 16.

“On July 16th, 2024, at the age of 13, Matthiew’s heart stopped beating after a tragic event took place at a park where someone decided to put a bullet through his back,” Michael Stavkovy, Matthiew’s older brother, recalled at the pulpit of the packed church below which the suited corpse of his brother lay in an open casket. The Rest of The Story Here

Is your community better because of your Church?

The Church in America really needs to look into the mirror! What are you doing? If your Church ceased to exist, would it be missed? George Barna: “People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric”

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