UPDATE! We must repent of our sins and change our behavior! Division: Franklin Graham supports Trump, but Billy Graham’s granddaughter joins ‘Evangelicals for Harris’


UPDATE! Sunday Morning!

I just read this devotional from one of my hero of faiths! Pastor Charles Stanley! America needs a Great Awakening to JESUS! We must repent of our sins and change our behavior! Like many things here in America things have turned so rotten, like our politics! We must stop killing God’s babies. We must repent of our bad behavior and change our ways. Return to God America! The American Church is failing to protect God’s babies. We must not play political football with God’s babies! Lord have mercy!

What does the Bible say about abortion? Simply put, abortion is murder. It is the killing of a human being created in the image of God.

Sovereign Over Sin

Temptation will come, but God promises to give us the power to resist.

August 18, 2024

Isaiah 14:24-27

God is sovereign. He is the supreme authority over everything, including sin and its repercussions. He doesn’t cause anyone to sin, but He will allow temptation to enter our life. And since we have free will and the Holy Spirit, we can decide how to respond. Thankfully, He retains ultimate control and weaves the consequences of our actions in accordance with His purposes.

Sometimes God permits our sin to run its full course. For instance, when the Israelites refused to turn away from their disobedience, He “gave them over to the stubbornness of their heart, to walk by their own plans” (Ps. 81:12). Without divine protection, the nation succumbed to corrupt influences and was overrun. Those consequences drove the Israelites to repentance, which was His original plan. Conversely, God will sometimes put an immediate halt to sin. Such was the case when King Abimelech took Abraham’s wife to himself. The king had been misled and was not aware that he was about to commit a sin. But the Lord knew of the deception and intervened (Gen. 20:1-6).

Temptation is inevitable, but engaging with sin is a choice. God’s sovereignty means that any temptation must first pass through His permissive will. In this way, He makes sure His children are never tempted beyond what they can resist (1 Cor. 10:13).

Bible in One Year: Jeremiah 31-32

Repentance is a change of mind that results in a change of actions. The Bible also says that true repentance involves a complete change of heart, recognizing that sin is offensive to God, and turning away from self to God. This change of mind can lead to a rejection of sin and an embrace of faith in Christ. Repentance can also involve feeling godly sorrow for sins, which is sometimes referred to as a broken heart and contrite spirit. More Here on Repentance


Many Churches in America have forgotten to build bridges to folks who do not know JESUS! Too many love preaching to the choir! WAKE UP CHURCH! IT IS CALLED THE GREAT COMMISSION!
FGGAM Photo. We thank Charles Stanley’s ministry for helping us with ministry tools as we carry out The Great Commission. This photo is from our trip into Arizona sharing JESUS! JESUS! Pastor Dewey was wearing his ‘Ask me about Jesus’ shirt, and this lovely asked him if he knew JESUS! What a conversation starter! JESUS!

Very interesting read here by Jon Brown from the Christian Post. Do you see Jesus in any of the candidates? I do not support either candidate. I vet all folks with the Bible. It is interesting to be out in the street, or like yesterday at Rust Hospital and take the temperature of folks on how they feel about America. My very unofficial poll continues to show that people of all ages are not happy at all with both parties. I so much love to talking to people of all ages!  They may lean one way or the other, but overall they are very disappointed in both the GOP and DEMS, as I am. I have said for years the two party system is broken, it stinks to high heaven! The two party system is way to powerful! Some of you will remember the Tea Party which was highjacked by the GOP, and the Bull Moose Party started by Teddy Roosevelt. We need a strong third party to save us from ourselves. More importantly we need JESUS!

Sadly, many Churches now are identified by a political party rather than by their faith in JESUS. Politics is fueling the destruction of Christianity in America. Sharon and I hear this all the time when we are out carrying out The Great Commission. We see it, we hear it! Please take note! Too many Christians are doing damage to the Church with their Facebook and other social media posts. Maybe you should stop posting and go out and show the love of JESUS to all. Why do you post? Do you love preaching to the choir? How about the Great Commission? Do you know what it is? “Go and make disciples of all nations.” This command from Jesus in Matthew 28:19 — known as the Great Commission — is a centerpiece of the Christian faith.

Jon Brown, Christian Post Reporter

The granddaughter of the late Rev. Billy Graham, Jerushah Duford endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris during an “Evangelicals for Harris” Zoom call Wednesday and suggested that Christians who support former President Donald Trump are causing people to turn away from Christianity.

Duford’s uncle Franklin Graham, by contrast, has been a staunch Trump supporter and blasted “Evangelicals for Harris” on Wednesday for using a clip of his father in one of their ads in a way he claimed was deliberately misleading. The Rest of The Story Here

Rev. Franklin Graham calls out ‘Evangelicals for Harris’ for ‘trying to mislead people’ using his father in ad

Do people see JESUS in you? Are you an Ambassador for JESUS CHRIST?

George Barna: “People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric”

I never thought I would see the GOP cave on the killing of God’s babies. They have decided to play political football with God’s babies!!! SHAME! Abortion is murder!

We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament are the inerrant, inspired, and infallible Word of God.
God’s Word is the final authority for faith and life.
We believe there is only one God, and He has chosen to reveal Himself
as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
– FGGAM is a nondenominational, nonpartisan, Independent ministry –


  1. I support Donald Trump, Dewey. He is a Christian with a yucky past like most of us. He isn’t a politician, which I like. I like how he says what he means with no hemming and hawing. He is still growing in the Lord as are the rest of us. He is pro-life, pro-family, wants Americans to have good, working and safe lives. All throughout his tenure as POTUS, he never took a paycheck but donated each quarters salary to needy organizations. He loves the Lord, this country and her people and wants what is best. Yes, it has always been a two party system. My grandfather’s 120 year old history book shows how Democrats stole ballots, cheated, lied, etc. Hmmm, sounds like the last election when Biden, a very incompetent individual was cheated into office. He has made a stinking mess of the world and Harris is as incompetent as he is. Lord Jesus help us. Sadly, people that vote independently may as well not vote because it’s never going to be enough counts for that party. The “Evangelicals for Harris” may as well be for Hitler because that’s what happened back then. Spirit give us wisdom.

    • Trump really sends mixed messages on abortion: Trump’s refusal so far to commit to a position on the Florida measure is a signal that despite his efforts to neutralize the issue, he still faces enormous political risks with his leave-it-to-the-states abortion approach. If he opposes the abortion rights initiative, Trump will give the Democrats fuel in an election they’ve desperately sought to make about abortion rights. And if he embraces the measure to expand abortion access in Florida, Trump risks alienating socially conservative voters who gave him a pass this spring as he rejected their calls to endorse a 15-week federal limit.

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