America, return to God. Truth be told, there is a significant mass of our citizenry who are at this moment trying to decide if they are in fact going to the polls in November.

Phil Ginn: Economically, the middle class is disappearing from our national scene just as common sense is fleeing from the political process with its coattails flapping in the wind. From a political participation standpoint, frustrated potential voters are left trying to make sense of the mess that has been created while they seek every possible means of motivation to vote their conscience in the face of decidedly flawed politicians and electoral systems. Truth be told, there is a significant mass of our citizenry who are at this moment trying to decide if they are in fact going to the polls in November and perhaps a significantly larger assemblage who just do not care enough to even participate at all.


This is such an excellent message By Phil Ginn

For such a times as this……..The GOP was once known as the party of God. It certainly is not now and has not been for a long time. Potty mouths, speaking bad things about black people. Shame! The GOP has also thrown the Pro-Life movement under ther bus, they now support the killing of God’s babies. The DEMS are no better. It leaves people like me and Sharon, and others without a godly choice. You could say I almost feel like a man without a country. The America I knew is gone forever I am afraid. The Church has lost its influence on Americans, and its the Churches own fault. George Barna: “People have become more selfish, churches have become less influential, pastors have become less Bible-centric”

The Christian Post

Charles Dickens opens his famous dualistic novel, A Tale of Two Cities, with the equally famous dualistic line, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” In these strange times in which we live, these seemingly contradictory expressions unfortunately begin to make some sense, don’t they? The whirlwinds of confusion are sweeping over the sea of faces in America, and we are being buffeted “to and fro” or as the mountain folks used to say, “from pillar to post.”

When it comes to politics, the divisions have never been wider or more intense. Seemingly, virtually every Democrat vigorously hates the media-driven caricature of the presidential candidate of the Republican Party and astonishingly a few are voicing vitriolic concern about the lack of marksmanship of Mr. Trump’s would-be assassin. The reverse may well be true to some extent as well when the Democrats finally settle, as apparently they have, on the final candidate to carry their standard. While confusion and ineptitude reign in the halls of government, chaos and upheaval seem to be the order of the day at our unguarded borders and in the streets of our cities. Essentially the United States now finds itself sitting on a powder keg of revolution with each side daring the other to be the first to light the fuse of utter destruction. More Here

Last week I saw on Facebook a man attack my Pastor Freind who is black, because of each others politics. SHAME! Facebook surely is an indicator how messed up America is.

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