Two Types of Listeners

There are two types of listeners in practically every church around the world: passive and active.

Pastor Dewey Moede preaching at the Open Door Bible Church in Los Alamos, New Mexico Feb. 4th 2024. Photo From Pastor Paul Anthony Jaramillo, who hosted Pastor Dewey and Sharon Moede

Two Types of Listeners. In Touch Ministries

Trusting God with our hurt and bitterness opens the door to healing.
July 18, 2024
Luke 10:38-42

In order for the Holy Spirit to be unimpeded in His work, we must make an effort to hear God when He speaks. It is possible, for example, to “listen” to every word of a sermon while not actually hearing a word of it. In fact, there are two types of listeners in practically every church around the world: passive and active.

A passive listener is one who’s present at services but just sits in the pew and lets his mind wander. He watches people, notices how they dress and act, socializes with friends, and makes lunch plans. He doesn’t go to church to hear from the Lord.

An active listener, on the other hand, walks into the sanctuary excited about the sermon and what he’ll learn from it. This Christian is ready to capture the meat of the message. He takes as many notes as he can, trying not to miss anything. Throughout the message, he asks himself, What is the Lord saying to me?

The Lord communicates in many different ways, and when He speaks, we should always listen actively. If you find your mind wandering during worship, perhaps you’re passively listening. Ask God to focus your thoughts, and decide to be an active listener from now on.

Bible in One Year: Ecclesiastes 5-8

Seasons of Prayer


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