Finding Freedom in Christ

Ron Crow: We Must Position. Get positioned up. We cannot share about Christ if we are not in a position to meet people who need to hear about Christ. The Great Commission tells us to “GO.” It is not a come and see gospel, but a go-and-tell gospel. Position yourself to be on mission. When opportunity presents itself, say yes to the opportunity.


Baptist Press

By Ron Crow, posted July 3, 2024

I had the opportunity to visit the Holy Land in Israel in 2018. What an experience that was of learning, experiencing and walking where Jesus walked. I learned much about biblical sites which made the Bible come alive. But I also learned about the current Israeli culture. I will never forget the day our tour guide made this statement, “You Americans often talk about your freedom. We have no idea what that even means. We have never experienced freedom.” This is the only life they have ever known.

Those words impacted me in such a way that I realized how blessed we are in America and the freedom we enjoy. I cannot imagine living every day in fear. I cannot imagine living every day wondering what persecution may happen at any moment. I am forever grateful for the men and women who have fought to protect our freedom we enjoy in America. More Here

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