Beth Moore, Abby Johnson and Steve Camp Push Back on John MacArthur for Mental Health Comments

Renowned pro-life advocate and Christian counselor Dr. Abby Johnson blasted MacArthur’s comments. “John MacArthur just publicly proclaimed that he has zero understanding of PTSD or any other mental health disorder,” Johnson said. “I have my doctorate in Christian counseling and anyone reading this who is struggling, this is NOT truth.”


I am totally disgusted with John MacArthur’s message on mental health. I minister to many people with mental health issues! Things like what he said help chase people away from the Church! My goodness! Where is the love of JESUS? The entire Church in America needs to build bridges of love and trust with all, NOT WALLS! Come on! 46% Of U.S. Adults Now Unchurched. This hate and division is not of JESUS! I weep over this, I have dear friends with mental health issues. In this world we live in of sadness and darkness, with all the things I deal with on the streets, in the funeral homes, even is some Churches, I go to the VA to visit, I do the funerals of many veterans and hear their stories from family members, so many vets suffer from the after effects of war. Many law enforcement officers, firefighters and medics also suffer from mental health issues. I suffer from anxiety, I take medication for it. It is a real thing! My heart aches for all! MacArthur sure stepped on the hearts of many. It would ne a good thing if MacArthur went to visit a Veterans Hospital! Military Health System Mental Health Hub

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another:
just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.
By this all people will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another.
John 13:34-35


Jesse T. Jackson

Pastor John MacArthur is taking some heat for claiming that the idea of mental illness is a “noble lie” used to profit Big Pharma.

“The major noble lie is there such a thing as mental illness,” MacArthur said during a panel discussion with Costi Hinn, Aaron Logan, Scott Ardavanis, and Jonny Ardavanis at “For the Valley Bible Conference” on April 20.

Pastor and Christian singer Steve Camp also disagreed with MacArthur’s words. “I love my brother John MacArthur,” he said. “But his conclusions here are stunningly unwise, misinformed and lacking biblical footing. I’m very surprised this is John’s diagnosis especially regarding PTSD.” More Here

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