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United States Returning Nuclear Weapons To United Kingdom To Counter Russian Threat To The European Theater

Credit: Alexander Lexander Antropov | via Pixabay/Victor Tangermann | via The Byte []

Newsmax reports that a recent review of Pentagon documents indicates that the United States will be returning nuclear weapons to the United Kingdom – specifically nuclear missiles known as “B61-12 gravity bombs” – which are small enough to be delivered by current fighter jets.  The weapons are to be stored at Royal Air Force (“RAF”) Lakenheath in Suffolk, England.

The moving of U.S. nuclear weapons to England is just the latest in a series of ongoing tensions birthed out Russia’s war with Ukraine.

The Newsmax article may be read HERE.

According to RAF Lakenheath’s website, the base is located 70 miles northeast of London and 25 miles northeast of Cambridge.  The Liberty Wing consists of more than 4,000 military members, with at least 1,500 British and U.S. civilians, and includes a geographically-separated unit at nearby RAF Feltwell.  RAF Lakenheath is the largest base operated by the United States Air Force (“USAF”) in England and is home to the only USAF in Europe (“USAFE”) operational F-35/F-15 fighter wing.

My brothers and sisters, U.S. nuclear missiles were removed from the United Kingdom in 2008 following the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991 and after the lingering Cold War threat from Russia was deemed sufficiently diminished; however, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent and continuing war against Ukraine, and his threats against neighboring NATO countries involving the weaponization of food and energy sources, and his public assertions that Russia would be willing to use nuclear weapons to obtain its war objectives, has resulted in NATO’s apparent implementation of a plan to beef up defenses in the European Theater.  This includes the United States’ return of nuclear missiles to RAF Lakenheath.

While U.S. politicians, press, political pundits and citizens trade barbs over congressional spending limitations and procedures; and while simultaneously pursuing immigration, foreign affairs and environmental policy decisions which weaken and divide the country; and as assertions are made (as if they are established facts) of massive corruption in Ukraine directly involving U.S. politicians on-the-take; and as the leading GOP candidate for president (who is himself a successful former president) is being skewered in numerous federal and state jurisdictions as part of an alleged weaponization of the justice system – Ukrainian military members and civilians are being daily slaughtered, infrastructure is being wantonly destroyed, and alleged Russian war crimes (in the thousands) are being documented.

The murder of innocents in an evil and unprovoked war (such as in Ukraine) should never be allowed to become a political talking point (by the GOP nor the Democratic Party) with a complete lack of concern and compassion for those dying in another part of the globe – worse yet when the perpetrator is a Russian leader continuing to operate as a Cold War enemy who reportedly desires the reestablishment of the “glory days” of the former Soviet Union.

It’s worth taking note that many European political leaders, especially those of the 31 NATO-aligned countries, view Russia as posing an immediate and potentially existential threat to their citizens and countries’ sovereignty.  Considering the previous U.S. efforts to end the Cold War, and based on the actions of the former Soviet Union and the current actions of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the relatively quiet military repositioning of U.S. assets should serve as a wake up call or warning to everyone, and especially U.S. citizens.  The U.S. federal government often says one thing for public consumption while taking differing or more in-depth actions behind the scenes.

The United States needs to wake from its self-absorbed, self-serving, pity-party, emotions-driven, what’s-in-it-for-me approach to life – which does not bring life, and life more abundantly, but results in chaos and death.  In Christ, we have the power and the victory over the tactics and goals of the enemy, but we must stand in the gap, love, pray, worship and speak the victory in the name of Jesus and by the power of His shed blood!

Let’s pray that U.S governmental leaders, as well as those of the world, would seek the wisdom and favor of the Lord in all of their decisions and undertakings.  As in the days of Noah, bad news tends to happen quickly – seemingly out of nowhere – but in point of fact, the warnings have often been shouted for years.  Sadly, many who need to hear the warning(s) lack the spiritual ears to hear!

Some scripture to consider:

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, [a]nd lean not on your own understanding; [i]n all your ways acknowledge Him, [a]nd He shall direct your paths.”

Proverbs 4:7 (NKJV)
“Wisdom is the principal thing; [t]herefore get wisdom.  And in all your getting, get understanding.”

Matthew 13:9 (Amplified Bible)
“He who has ears [to hear], let him hear and heed My words.”

Philippians 4:6 (NKJV)
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God…”.

1 Timothy 2:1-3 (ESV)
“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions [emphasis mine], that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.  This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior…”.

Praise Jesus forevermore!

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