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The Hope of Heaven Fuels Life Today

Photo From Churchleaders: Lightstock

OH MY! I pray this encourages to no end…………..Thank you Ray Hollenbach and Churchleaders for this message!


Ray Hollenbach

Somewhere in the heavens a giant reservoir holds an ingredient essential to life: hope. In fact, heaven is saturated with hope and it rains down upon us. he hope of heaven overflows into the everyday atmosphere of our lives.

In the 21st century “hope” is simply the poetic version of wishful thinking. These days “hope” is the stuff of dreams: it’s thin as the air. It’s the currency of desperation. In the modern world hope is a counterfeit traded by losers. The simple word hope has come to mean something unsure and doubtful. Everyone hopes for the best, but prepares for the worst. When we talk about hope in everyday language we are really talking about our insecurities: who knows how things will really work out? More Here


Who goes to Hell? Got Question states: Hell has become a controversial subject in recent years, even among Christians. However, the controversy is entirely man-made. The rejection of the reality of hell stems from a human inability to reconcile the love of God with eternal punishment or from an outright rejection of God’s Word. Even some professing Christians have come to unbiblical conclusions. Some have tried to redefine hell, create an intermediate state not found in Scripture, or deny hell altogether. In doing so, they are ignoring Jesus’ warning in Revelation 22:19, “If anyone takes words away from this scroll of prophecy, God will take away from that person any share in the tree of life and in the Holy City, which are described in this scroll.” More Here

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