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Raising Children in a Godless Age

Credit: Antonio Guillem/ | via The Conversation []

This message is from Billy Graham from 2014. I started listening to Billy back in 1979 when I was a dj on KGCX radio in Sidney, Montana! I would load the reel to reel machine with ‘The Hour of Decision’ on Sunday afternoons to play it to our audience. Billy always got me fired up for the Lord! Amen! I loved his passion for the Lord and all people! Man oh man! Billy’s messages never die, they live on, just as God’s Word lives on! Glory!

We must remember that just 6% of Americans have a Biblical Worldview. From Barna Research. The research is proven, in that America is going to hell.

I ran across this message today as I was writing on the failure of public education here in New Mexico. New Mexico is the least educated state in America

It breaks the heart of myself and Sharon to see our kids and grandchildren grow up in this very dark, sinful America.

From Billy Graham:

Many Christian parents are becoming fearful that they cannot properly train their children in this lawless and wicked age. We have received scores of letters in our office asking, “What is the answer? What can I do with my son? My daughter?”

We are beginning to reap what has been sown for the past generation. We have taught the philosophy of the devil, who says, “Do as you please.” Behaviorism has been the moral philosophy of much of our education in the past few years. Psychiatrists have told parents to let their children do as they please, lest in restraining them they may warp the children’s personalities.

We have taken God out of our educational systems and thought we could get away with it. We have sown the wind, and we are now reaping the whirlwind. We have laughed at God, religion and the Bible.

Many of our educational leaders sneer at the old-fashioned idea of God and a moral code. Movies feature sex, sin, crime and alcohol. Teenagers see these things portrayed alluringly on the screen and decide to go and try them. Newspapers have played up crime and sex until they seem glamorous to our young people.

Instead of publicizing the good and constructive things that teenagers do, we have played up the sensational lawbreaker. We have taught our young people that morals are relative and not absolute.

At the heart of the problem is the failure of parents in the home. Evangelist Billy Sunday once said, “If you want to lick the devil, hit him over the head with a cradle.” Parents today are not interested, apparently, in defeating the devil in the home. There seems to be little parental responsibility for discipline. Children are allowed to go wild. More Here

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