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New Year, New Opportunities

Along with every new year comes a slew of old resolutions: to lose weight, eat more healthy food, work harder or worry less, break an old habit or start a new one…but how many of us actually stick with these promises to ourselves and see the results we want?  A few do, I’m sure…then there are those of us who are all in for a while, then slowly slip back into our old ways and nothing changes.  Did we not want it badly enough, or simply gave up after not seeing the quick results we wanted?  Maybe if we approach our goals a different way this year…

The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 13 that three things are most important: faith, hope and love.  If our faith is in Jesus Christ, then we know that through Him, all things are possible…even our ability to keep a resolution.  If our hope is in His promises, then we know that He will never leave us or forsake us.  He will guide our every step if we stay focused on Him and seek His will.  1 Cor. 13: 13 …but the greatest of these is love.

1 Cor. 13:4  Love suffers long and is kind; love envies not; love boasts not. and is not puffed up.  5 Does not behave rudely, seeks not her own well-being, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil.  6 Rejoices not in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth.   7  Bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  8 Love never fails and never vanishes away.

Perhaps our first resolution should be to love others as God has loved us.  Maybe our prayer should be that God love others through us, so they are loved the right way.

Be Kind.  There is much need in the world for kindness nowadays.  Let us take advantage of every opportunity we get to smile, hold a door, lend a helping hand.  Making someone else’s load lighter also lifts the weight of our own cares.  So many need help today and we have so many hands capable of helping.  May we all do our part.

2023 was a tough year for all of us.  So many deaths and so much tragedy, the reality of war in Israel and other parts of the world have made our hopes for the future dim.   But, let us remember:  God’s mercies are new every day.  May we all resolve to do better and work harder to promote the Kingdom of God by sharing our faith, hope, and love with others.     It’s a new year with new opportunities to serve.  Let’s start by getting back to the basics…then we can tackle the other goals of losing weight, eating better, etc.  Remember joy means Jesus first, Ourselves last, and Others in between.  I pray we all have a blessed and joyful New Year!!!

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