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Satanic display in Iowa’s capitol torn down: On the enduring hope and power of nativity scenes

Photo From Denison Forum: Mary looks at Joseph as they sit behind the baby Jesus in a manger in a live nativity scene. By Anneke/

Denison Forum

Dr. Jim Denison

While it’s not unusual for nativity scenes to make the news around Christmastime, a different form of public display inside the Iowa state capitol building has made headlines in recent days. The Satanic Temple placed a statue of the pagan idol Baphomet and other satanic paraphernalia in the building’s rotunda near the capitol’s annual nativity scene.

While the scene has generated quite a bit of controversy from many of the state’s citizens, responses from the community have varied.

Governor Kim Reynolds called it “absolutely objectionable” while asking for prayer over the building. Rep. Jon Dunwell pointed out, “I don’t want the state evaluating and making determinations about religions.” Considering history has shown that when the government attempts to regulate religion, religion usually loses, he has a point.

Conversely, Michael Cassidy—who ran an unsuccessful campaign for Congress in Mississippi last year—responded by tearing the idol down yesterday. He’s since been charged with fourth-degree criminal mischief.

What has largely gotten lost in the controversy, however, is that equal representation for satanic groups isn’t really the point they’re trying to make by placing their idol on capitol grounds. More Here From Dr. Jim Denison

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