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Southern Baptist Convention Abuse Survivor Calls Executive Committee’s Lack of Action on Amicus Brief ‘Disgusting’

Screengrab via Google Maps From Churchleaders

Live you life so you stay out of the news headlines for doing evil. Do not get tied up in evil. Sex abuse is more than nasty. It is Satanic. Be pure in all you do. Staining the Bride of Christ is so very horrible! BUT! GOD will prevail! Follow the Billy Graham rule. Recently, “the Billy Graham rule” has been in the news—a reference to the second of four rules Mr. Graham and his team created decades ago to maintain ministry integrity. This particular rule deals with upholding sexual morality. Read below for background on these four rules, known as “the Modesto Manifesto.” More Here The Southern Baptist Church has damaged their creditability so very much with the world. This evil chases people away from God’s Church, many will never return. Wonderful Churches and Pastors are hurt by those that step out of line and sin. Many innocent people get thrown into the ugly heep, because of the pig pen of sex!

Churchleaders reports the ugly…….

On Thursday (Nov. 16), the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Executive Committee (EC) met in a special session three weeks after it was discovered that the SBC, the EC, Lifeway Christian Resources, and Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) quietly submitted an amicus brief to the Kentucky Supreme Court earlier this year.

None of the current EC members, apart from ex officio member and SBC president Bart Barber, knew about the briefing until Andrew Wolfson of Louisville Courier Journal published a story about the case on Oct. 24. Story Here

I get very sick to my stomach in reporting sex abuse in the Church. What a disgrace! I have no room for it! This evil chases away so many from the American Church. So many souls have been hurt be so called Christians. We all must always strive to be pure in all we do and say.

Got Questions states: Actively hiding, disguising, or keeping a mistake or sin hidden rather than correcting it is referred to as a “cover-up.” The church should not be involved in cover-ups. Anyone with knowledge of abuse or who suspects abuse is morally obligated to act on such information. In many cases, there is also a legal obligation to report the abuse to the proper authorities. State laws clearly define abuse and detail when, how, and to whom to report it. Churches and Christian ministries are required to follow state laws in this matter (Romans 13:1–7). More Here

Disgraced pastor and former (SBC) president Johnny Hunt continues to preach despite the credible allegations of sexual abuse against him, as stated in the 2022 Guidepost Solutions report.

“Preaching close to my home in Woodstock this Sunday November 12 at Church 1025 in Monroe, GA.,” Hunt posed on Instagram. “I hope to see you in one of our 3 morning services.”

After asking his Instagram followers for prayer, Hunt said, “We’re going to have a great time together.” More Here

Johnny Hunt is suing the denomination he once led, saying he was defamed by allegations he assaulted another pastor’s wife. More Here

The Southern Baptist Convention releases sex abuser database: Four biblical responses

IHOPKC Releases “Report On Initial Findings” Regarding Allegations Against Founder Mike Bickle

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