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But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord; He is their strength in the time of trouble. And the Lord shall help them and deliver them; He shall deliver them from the wicked, And save them, Because they trust in Him.

Psalms 37:39‭-‬40 NKJV


There are many things that we have learned to put our trust in.

There is something that so many people lack.


The Lord is good, A stronghold in the day of trouble; And He knows those who trust in Him.

Nahum 1:7 NKJV


One of the things I believe we forget or maybe never have known, is who is God? People have devoted their whole lives to this question alone.

Many people make commitments in this life without realizing the fine print. We go about our lives agreeing to terms and conditions without knowing what those terms and conditions mean.


What does He require from us?

Those who love Him and trust Him.

They can see the goodness of God in every aspect of our life.

They recognize His Grace in the good times, and in the not so good times. In trials in peace. No matter what circumstance or situation we can see the Goodness of God. In that Goodness we find protection, salvation, redemption.

It’s His stronghold in the day of trouble.


Charles Spurgeon said this:

“Remember that it is only a day; it is not a week, nor a month, and God will not permit the devil to add an extra hour to that day; it is a ‘day of trouble.’ There is an end to all our griefs.”


I believe that the Lord knows those who trust in Him.

How many times in Scripture did He have to remind His Disciples?

Jesus would call them out directly, “You of little faith.”

Not only does He know those who trust, but also in the sense of the level of trust.

Trusting in the Lord turns into a relationship with the Lord!

Always remember God knows those who trust in Him.

This word “knows” in the verse, has a different meaning.

The meaning is having a loving communion, like a marriage.

God knows us. He hears our prayers. He sees our troubles. He knows all of our ways, our wants and needs. He knows us!


He knows our failures. He knows our success. He knows our strengths and our weaknesses.

He knows it all.

What better way to have that loving communion! He knows because He can relate with you.

So if He knows all this about you, how much do you know about Him?


What makes Him happy. What grieves His heart. What angers Him. What brings Him joy.

How well do you know your God?

What are you doing to know Him more?

Yes, many know the basics.

Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. Born of a Virgin. Suffered, Crucified. Died on the Cross. Buried in a borrowed tomb. Then Gloriously rose from the grave in victory over sin and death! Hallelujah!


This is the beginning of our relationship with Him.

These are the first steps we take in our relationship with Him.

This is our first trust.

Knowing all this. Understanding that it is only through Him can we get to Heaven. Only He can take away the sins of the World. Only His Blood cleanses the wickedness of man’s heart and makes us presentable in the Holy Eyes of the Father.

Jesus puts in His part.

Relationships are never 50/50. If they are 50/50 they will fail! If they are 100/50 they will fail! It must be 100/100!

I don’t believe that Jesus does anything half ways.

Imagine if He gave as much as you in the relationship!


What if He showed you the same effort you put in. What would that look like?


We talk about giving the Lord everything.


Take it all Lord!

Take my sins!

Take my filth!

Take my shame!

Change my life, restore me, restore this!

Heal that!

And then we promise Him everything.


I will give my life to serve.

I will do this and that.

And we say things that sound so good to the Precious ear of the Father!


Then He restores us! He cleanses us and does miraculous things that can only come from the Hand of God!


But what’s amazing is Jesus will give 100% every single time!

Because He can do no less!

He is a Graciously giving, loving God!


Think about this.


The rich young ruler had it all, but one thing he lacked was giving as much as Jesus asked!

Give it all up and follow ME, was all Jesus wanted.

He did not and was not willing to give 100%


I think sometimes what could and what would have the Lord done through this man if he would have given as much as Jesus.

Oh, what did he miss out on?

I wonder if he heard about all the miracles.

Did he meet people that left everything and followed. Could he have been a great leader in the Church?

Did he come to repentance and salvation?


We don’t know.


The Prophet Micah told us that Our God is a God of Mercy. And He has His Holy Hand open and reached out, because He delights in giving out His Mercy. Then it ends by saying “Who is a God like you”!


Take the Mercy.

Repent of your sins.

Accept the Free gift of Salvation.

Be restored.

Then Follow Him!

Learn why He is so merciful.

Why does He love like He does?

Why does His wrath and justice have to come down?


It has to be 100/100.


The things you will learn!

The secrets revealed.

The wisdom and discernment He will give.

The deeper understanding of His whole character is worth more than what we could ever imagine!

The more trust comes when we search for Him.

More faith when we understand Him more.

And it grows and grows.

Those roots of that same faith will dig deep. So when the troubles come, the tribulation knocks, you will not be shaken because you have put 100% in.

And you don’t just know your Savior, you believe Him. The more you know Him the more trust and the better relationship you will have with your Lord!


We will want nothing but to give at LEAST 100%.


Now, can you still say you give Jesus the same effort as He gives.


Today, if you desire to know Him, you have to seek Him.

Ask Him to reveal Himself to you.

It’s important to know that He is good, but why is He so Good?


Never forget the Goodness of God. Never forget about His power. Never forget what His mercy has saved you from. But also never forget that He is Holy and Righteous, and He is a jealous God.


So many have forgotten all of these characteristics of the Father.

“Who is a God like you”!

There is none.

But do you know that?


Seek Him today.

Will you give Jesus the same effort He has given you?

I challenge you to do it and see how He will change everything!


Pastor Ed

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