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How Soon?

How Soon?



‭‭Matthew‬ ‭24:4‭-‬6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.



I was spending the afternoon with my wife.

As we were driving around town, I received a news update on my phone.

Israel had been attacked.

Not just a military show of force, but an invasion.

Things are changing so quickly.

The earth groans. And the evil of man’s heart wages war.

How easy and quick the mind can take over!

The Disciples are curious.

I believe they wanted the assurance of when He was coming back for them!

Many of us wonder the same.



Jesus doesn’t give His Disciples precise answers.

Which He could have.

What the Lord told them was to prepare them.


It was so they could prepare their hearts.

Clear their minds of fear and worry.

To stay focused!


It was to give all of them and all of us the opportunity to lean in to our Redeemer even more.

To trust more. To believe more.


Lean today, press in today.


We are in agreement that Christ is coming.

We pray and hope for His Glorious hand to sweep us up.



How soon is now?


For some it’s not soon enough! For others there’s not enough time.


Some long For His arrival, some fear it.

Especially those that are going through the hardships and ravages of conflict and war.



I had to remind myself as I watched news updates.



” These things MUST happen”


As hard and painful it is to admit this.


The Disciples believed that Jesus would return in glory to make all things soon and very soon.

They wanted to see all the wrongs made right. The suffering and sorrow to be comforted and healed!


And He will!


But when. How much longer will the pain and suffering continue?



“Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”


The answer Jesus gives them didn’t make sense to me. It never gave me comfort or assurance. It didn’t fill me with hope.

Until He revealed it in His Holy Word.


The Disciples wanted an answer. Maybe to calm their minds! Maybe to bring peace to their hearts.

We too want the answers!


But the answer of the Messiah seems to not offer what they wanted to hear.


And Jesus answered and said to them: Take heed that no one deceives you.


The mention of all these things that are happening around us can distract us.

They instill fear and with fear hope fades away.

Without hope we become a desperate people.



No matter how many wars are fought, no matter how many rumors of wars are spread at the end there is only One that is victorious!


Pray to stay focused and not be distracted or deceived by what is happening around us.


We have to remember these Truths.


There has been only One to be raised from the grave. There has been only One that has never sinned, never lied and is perfect in all His ways.

And because of that we can all rest assured that all the promises Jesus Christ has given will come to pass.



As we see the tragedies happen around us we know that Jesus is close.


Well said. But who do we persevere?



We must hold to all the promises He has ever spoken!


He will not forsake us. Even unto the end of the age.

He is with us!

You may not see Him or feel Him but believe the promises that He is near!



He promises us rest.

Rest from the anguish of mental torment. He restores our faith and Hope by the comfort of His Word.

He gives us the Word to come to Him that are weak with heavy burdens.




There is the promise of Salvation.

Through that Salvation we have liberty and freedom from the sin of this World that separates us from those promises.


As followers of Christ we have different freedom’s that we have been granted. We have been given a new life. A liberty from the bondage of sin. We no longer are pursuing happiness,but joy.

Joy knowing that our King is close.


Look up, Salvation is near!


No matter what happens in this world.

No matter what governments devise.

No matter what wars and rumors of war may come, we have something greater and more precious!



We have a promise from the Father!


The Promise of true freedom from all bondage, including fear,doubt and worry!


And NO man, No war, nothing can take it away from us!



So we Stand fast.


Stand fast means anchored, unmovable.

We have to be watchful.



See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.


If you have received His free gift of Salvation, then live in that!


When we anchor ourselves in the Promises and Truths of Jesus the less and less troubled we will be.


As these evils unveil themselves we cling to the Hand that has given us a new life. We focus on the One that gives life.


One of the things we have to remember is that anyone that is willing to follow the Lord should be ready to be used by Him.


How can the Lord use us?



So please take time to pray to our Mighty God and Father. Let’s ask Him to give those that are suffering, strength.

Physical strength, mental strength, and spiritual strength.

Pray that they keep hope in their hearts, looking forward to Jesus’ promises to them. Pray for the Holy Spirit to comfort them, bringing them peace of heart and peace of mind. And that through them the Gospel of Salvation will spread.

Then true peace will come to the hearts and the land.



We have such a powerful weapon against the evil of the world.


Exercise it. Use it for the Glory of the Kingdom God!


Use it for the ones that right now need comfort and safety.



We must stand in the gap for those that have no voice. Overcome by fear. Hopeless!

Pray that through the Power and Might of the Holy Spirit of God visits them.

Comforts them. Even convict them to come to the Life giving, soul saving promise of Salvation through Jesus Christ of Nazareth!


‘but the end is not yet.’

The King is coming!

But these things MUST happen!

Stand firm. Don’t be deceived or disrupted.

We are not helpless to those souls.


It may not be the answer we want.

It is the one thing we can and should do! If you have not started to pray for those in direct need, start!

Ask yourself today,

How soon is now?

Jesus doesn’t give His Disciples precise answers.

The Lord can’t come soon enough! Until then we do what He has called us to do and wait!



Pastor Ed



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