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HEARTS NEED TO BE CHANGED FOR JESUS! NM Governor Lujan Grisham declares gun violence a public health emergency after 11-year-old boy shot to death

I pray that this message wakes up Christians in Albuquerque!

Basic Christianity needs to be taught here.

Have New Mexicans forgotten how to repent? Do you know what that means? Change of behavior! The word repentance in the Bible literally means “the act of changing one’s mind.” True biblical repentance goes beyond remorse, regret, or feeling bad about one’s sin. It involves more than merely turning away from sin. Eerdmans Bible Dictionary includes this definition of repentance: “In its fullest sense it is a term for a complete change of orientation involving a judgment upon the past and a deliberate redirection for the future.” More Here

Have Christians in Albuquerque forgotten on how to mourn? Or is it just another murder? Mourning is the state of being in deep grief. We mourn over a profound loss, such as the death of a loved one or a crippling accident. We also mourn over our own sins or mistakes. We mourn for the purity of heart we once enjoyed or for a future our choices have destroyed. Mourning is part of being human. It is an expression of our hearts when something we value has been taken from us. It can also be a way to convey our agreement with God’s moral law that we have violated. Mourning, although painful, can help us align our hearts with the heart of God: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matthew 5:4).

Police are overwhelmed by all this violence. The Police Department here in Albuquerque is understaffed. The Mayor and City Council have failed the people. Try calling 911 or 242-COPS, not enough dispatchers.  I gave up on 911 and 242-COPS this week when we needed the police here, I saw a police car go by and I ran it down with the help of neighbors! Thank the Lord for this officer, he took care of the situation.

I have screamed for years about murders in Albuquerque and all of New Mexico, going back to my days at KKIM Christian radio!  THIS IS A HEART ISSUE! HEARTS FOR JESUS! You can pass all the laws you want, but you cannot regulate morality. If the hearts of people are not changed by JESUS, this hell will continue. Got Questions puts it this way: Is Jesus your “personal” Savior? Many people view Christianity as attending church, performing rituals, and/or not committing certain sins. That is not Christianity. True Christianity is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Accepting Jesus as your personal Savior means placing your own personal faith and trust in Him. No one is saved by the faith of others. No one is forgiven by doing certain deeds. The only way to be saved is to personally accept Jesus as your Savior, trusting in His death as the payment for your sins and His resurrection as your guarantee of eternal life (John 3:16). Is Jesus personally your Savior? More Here The evidence is clear, so many people in Albuquerque have become pawns of Satan, evil rages. Albuquerque is being destroyed. Christians are is losing here. You cannot safely go to a Isotopes game at night anymore because Satan is out in full force in this city. APD: Family leaving Isotopes Park targeted in fatal road rage shooting. I had a Dad tell me yesterday is is so very fearful of having his 16-year-old son out at night in Albuquerque.

The evil is very deep here, as the governor declares gun violence a public health emergency, let us not forget about all the babies here in Albuquerque that are killed every month through abortion!!!!! My goodness people! Do you not see that your city has been overtaken by evil! You can put lip stick on a pig, but its still a pig! Abortions increase in New Mexico

Just think, the people of New Mexico reelected this governor……..that is a pure sign that evil prevails here.

The biggest failure of the Church in America in the last decade or more, is not carrying out The Great Commission. 87-year-old Pastor Don Kimbro warned me about this about 5 years ago, saying the Church was not baptizing enough people and growing up enough mature Christians. Pastor Don was spot on! This failure has more than caught up with us!

Church: Hit the streets! What would happen if the top three attended Churches in Albuquerque hit the streets one weekend along with all other Churches to minister to all people? That would mean over 30,000 from the top three and more from the rest of the Churches. Can the Church in Albuquerque unite? It has not at this time, can it happen? Only about 50 people showed up at the last NM Prays event for Pastors and Church leaders. Walls built by men probably will prevent unity. This sends the wrong message.

Time for the Church to stop playing patty cake, patty cake…..and be the Church. Many people that we minister to, say they have stopped going to Church because they see as not being effective in todays society. I have said for years that the Church has to many high school type pep rallies. Watch Facebook, it loves self-promotion. We have to build bridges of love and trust with unbelievers. Do you not see that this is Spiritual Warfare????? Got Questions states: Ephesians 6:10–12 says, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” This text teaches some crucial truths: we can only stand strong in the Lord’s power, it is God’s armor that protects us, and our battle is ultimately against spiritual forces of evil in the world. More Here

The problem we have here in Albuquerque, is that not enough people believe in the Word of God.

Innocent people are being killed here! This 11-year-old boy was going home after a baseball game…….

People in Albuquerque better be seeking JESUS! All Christians must carry out the Great Commission!

The homeless situation is getting worse here, for the first time ever in our 20 years in Taylor Ranch, they are moving into our area. That means more crime.

Evil in Albuquerque

Greg Laurie lists 4 ways Christians will live as ‘last days believers’ in the End Times



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