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Chinese Communists Perverting the Bible and Turning Jesus into a Murderer

Picture is of Xi Jinping, President of China. Such an evil man. Got Questions states: Evil behavior includes sin committed against other people (murder, theft, adultery) and evil committed against God (unbelief, idolatry, blasphemy). From the disobedience in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:9) to the wickedness of Babylon the Great (Revelation 18:2), the Bible speaks of the fact of evil, and man is held responsible for the evil he commits: “The one who sins is the one who will die” (Ezekiel 18:20). More Here

There is plenty of evil right here in America, in our politics and scattered through out our government. My goodness people! What are you doing about it? Take the Word of God and apply it to America. What do you see?

We only have 37% of American Pastors who have a Biblical Worldview! We need missionaries from China to come here!

CBN Reports:

With as many as 130 million Chinese Christians and the continuing explosive growth of the underground church, there are now more Christians in China than members of the Chinese communist party.

The Chinese government’s persecution of Christians has only led to even more church growth, causing the Communist Party to now target the Bible itself, with what it calls an “update” with “socialist values,” and removing passages that don’t reflect communist beliefs. More Here

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