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Beth Moore and Russell Moore Discuss Leaving the SBC, Deconstruction, and Political Polarization is Killing Us!

The old sage Will Rogers said, “If you ever injected truth into politics you have no politics”

I added the words ‘Killing us” as both the DEMS and GOP are doing just that! Both are at fault for the present condition of America. Both parties have lost their minds. Our only HOPE IS IN JESUS! NOT POLITICS! Do you not see the bad behavior of both parties? The DEMS are the worst and the GOP is not far behind! Many members of the GOP are caving on abortion, the killing of God’s babies! What does the Bible say about abortion? Simply put, abortion is murder. It is the killing of a human being created in the image of God. JUST BEACUSE YOU ARE A REPBLICAN DOES NOT MAKE YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN!

Some Republicans act like politics is their God. YES! I am extra tough on the GOP, because they used to stand for Biblical principles, now we are left voting for the lesser of two evils. Here in New Mexico the GOP has no leadership! They are such a sorry bunch. They lost to the worst governor ever! They could not even beat her!



In a recent joint event between Beth Moore’s Living Proof Ministries and Christianity Today, Beth Moore and Russell Moore sat down to discuss Russell’s new book, “Losing Our Religion: An Altar Call for Evangelical America.”

During the wide-ranging interview, the two discussed their shared history with the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), their experiences leaving the denomination, the crisis of faith taking place in the evangelical movement, as well as their hope for the future. Story Here

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