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Supporters flock to Minnesota kids store for drag queen event, The unraveling of America is speeding up

A Church that does Not seek the lost is “Lost” itself!
Reinhard Bonnke

The photo I used is from a drag queen reading to Children at a Church: Story Here

We are digging a deeper hole for our children. Thank God for parents that grow up their children with God’s Word. I am just so sad at the collapse of Christianity in America. We here at FGGAM will continue to reach out to the World for JESUS. We are a Great Commission ministry filled with the love of JESUS.

The unraveling of America is speeding up. Many so called Christians are taking a blind eye to it.

“A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord your God. Deuteronomy 22:5

From Fox News: The organizers of Drag Queen Story Hour understand that they must manage their public image to continue enjoying access to public libraries and public schools. They have learned how to speak in code to NGOs and to appease the anxieties of parents, while subtly promoting the ideology of queer theory to children.

Having begun with voluntary programs at public libraries, Drag Queen Story Hour has been remarkably successful, sparking a trend of state-subsidized drag readings, dances, and performances across the country. More Here

Supporters flock to Chaska kids store for drag queen event

Americas War on Children

Adrian Rogers: The people of this world don’t like Bible-believing Christians. They think we’re an impediment. They think we’re odd. They think we’re weird. They think we’re stubborn. They think we’re standing in the way of progress. One of these days, we’ll be gone. And then the Restrainer will no longer be here, and at that time, you might as well try to dam up Niagara Falls with toothpicks to hold back the flood of wickedness and evil that will come upon this world. That time is known in the Bible as the Great Tribulation. Much of the Church has lost its salt and light. Darkness is engulfing the globe. When the Holy Spirit stands aside, Hell will have a holiday

This is so prophetic……….

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