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Minnesota Planned Parenthood entices teens as young as 13 with gift cards for completing ‘sex ed summer camp’

Minnesota is getting as anti-god as you can get…….The governor their loves abortions. My goodness! Whatever happened to Minnesota nice? It sure is a wicked place for God’s babies. I am so sick as to what is happening in my home state and all over America!

Minnesota Planned Parenthood entices teens as young as 13 with gift cards for completing ‘sex ed summer camp’
Planned Parenthood in Minnesota is offering teens a spot in ‘sex ed summer camp,’ a program that educates some as young as 13 with what some parents call ‘explicit’ material. This sex-ed camp is in Mankato, just 60 miles from my hometown of Windom! More Here

How about Minnesota drag queens???!!! Minnesota wake up!!! look what you are allowing to harm our children! Shame on you all! Where is the Church?????

As the movement has gained notoriety and expanded its reach, some drag performers have let the mask slip: in Minneapolis, a drag queen in heels and a pink miniskirt spread his legs open in front of children, and in Portland, a large male transvestite allowed toddlers to climb on top of him, grab at his fake breasts, and press themselves against his body.

Supporters flock to Minnesota kids store for drag queen event, The unraveling of America is speeding up

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