I am very frustrated at this report! We have a huge shortage of healthcare professionals in New Mexico! Nearly 10,000 providers — nurses, doctors, psychologists, specialists — are currently needed to bring the state up to national standards, according to the New Mexico Health Care Workforce Committee. Now this!!!?? The governor is asleep at the wheel! What about the budget surplus???!!! UNM hospital needs financial help NOW! UNM is our only trauma center in the state!!! People from all the state come to UNM for health care reasons. PAY OUR HEATHCARE WORKERS! My goodness sakes governor! After Michelle Lujan Grisham won reelection in November, she quietly handed out salary increases as high as 31% to 18 employees who worked in her office during her first term, according to pay data on the state’s sunshine portal. The governor better get on the phone with her buddy Biden and get that federal money owed UNM! FOLLOW THE MONEY IS ALWAYS THE KEY WITH POLITICANS! IT’S THE PEOPLE’S MONEY!

No raises expected for UNM Hospital employees

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