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The Letter On Abortion That The ABQ Journal Did Not Print……..

What does the Bible say about abortion? Simply put, abortion is murder. It is the killing of a human being created in the image of God.
I am so very thankful to Monte Harms who wrote this letter! God Bless you brother for standing in the gap for God’s babies! Thank you Monte for calling for the awakening of the Church! I have been on that same page for almost 20 years now. Many pastors and congregants our deaf to abortion, too many high school pep rallies and NO ACTION!
Francis Shaeffer said, “Every abortion clinic should have a sign in front of it saying, “Open by the permission of the church.” (Read more about Francis Shaeffer below) New Mexico continues to go backwards into the pit of hell. Let us not forget that the governor wants to build a $10 million dollar baby killing factory in Las Cruces! I still shake my head that the majority of New Mexicans vote for her knowing she wants to build the baby killing factory. New Mexico stands for the killing of God’s babies.
Thank you Monte Harms
In communication with the ABQ Journal, I thought they were going to run my letter, but I guess in the end they decided not to. Here it is:
The Albuquerque Journal’s three-part series on abortion featured different aspects of the topic but ignored a vital entity in the discussion, which is the unborn human that is tortured and dismembered until death. Why are they ignored? It could be because abortion has become such a nebulous term and often is referred to as “healthcare” by those promoting it. How can some procedure be classified as healthcare when one patient dies every time it’s enacted? The actual procedure of sucking the most innocent in our society through a tube or pulling apart their limbs until they die rarely, if ever, is mentioned by the media which translates to most of society being uninformed or apathetic about the truth of abortion. What they do hear are the numerous talking points and justifications for abortion by those who strongly support it.
When a born child of any age is intentionally killed by an adult, the media and society, in general, are rightfully outraged. It makes the front page of the newspaper and is featured on all the local newscasts. Unfortunately, if the child is in a different location of the womb, is a little younger, smaller, and more dependent, then there is silence by nearly all of Albuquerque. With several new facilities popping up in Albuquerque, the number of innocent lives taken is rising astronomically. There should be mass outrage in Albuquerque, but it is accepted and even promoted by many politicians and leaders in our community and the state. Also, most of the churches in Albuquerque are relatively silent compared to what should be their response to the greatest human rights tragedy in our history.
Another part that the series of articles does not focus on is all of the help there is in the Albuquerque area for women and men who may consider abortion as a solution. Organizations such as Care Net, Project Defending Life, Cherub Initiative, and many more are here to help pregnant women with what they need, including free ultrasounds at some sites. Many also assist the parents after the baby is born with clothes, diapers, parenting classes, and other continued support. The organization, Abortion on Trial, continues to be a major force in legally helping women injured by abortion, families that have lost a loved one to abortion, and other legal aspects involving the abortion industry.
Those in support of abortion for the most part have controlled the narrative in our society. We need to realize what they obviously are ignoring, which is what really happens in an abortion, the humanity of the unborn human, and the fact that there is plenty of assistance in Albuquerque for those who want an alternative to this ultimate human rights violation.
The Satanic Temple launching tele-health abortion clinic in New Mexico
Whole Woman’s Health of New Mexico
NM Governor pledges $10 Million to Build Baby killing Factory
15 women traveled from Texas to New Mexico seeking legal abortions. These are their stories.
‘It is ridiculous. It’s a lot.’ | Texas women describe traveling to New Mexico for abortions
Francis A. Schaeffer (1912–1984) authored more than twenty books, which have been translated into several languages and have sold millions globally. He and his wife, Edith, founded the L’Abri Fellowship international study and discipleship centers. Recognized internationally for his work in Christianity and culture, Schaeffer passed away in 1984 but his influence and legacy continue worldwide. More Here
Oh America…….what are you going to do? Continue to turn your back on GOD? Oh America, Just 4% of you have a Biblical Worldview and just 37% of your Pastors have a Biblical Worldview. You kill God’s babies, you kill God’s children through so many evil ways. You ask what is a Biblical Worldview? From Barna research: For the purposes of the research, a biblical worldview was defined as believing that absolute moral truths exist; that such truth is defined by the Bible; and firm belief in six specific religious views. Those views were that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life; God is the all-powerful and all-knowing Creator of the universe and He stills rules it today; salvation is a gift from God and cannot be earned; Satan is real; a Christian has a responsibility to share their faith in Christ with other people; and the Bible is accurate in all of its teachings.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed Florida’s Heartbeat Protection Act Thursday. The measure bans abortions after 6 weeks, rather than at 15 weeks under the current law. It includes exceptions for rape, incest the life of the mother and human trafficking pregnancies.
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