Left Leaning New Mexico House Committee Passes Most Radical Abortion, Transgender Surgery Bill in the U.S.

Rep Bill Rehm (R- Bernalillo) asked, "Can a 14 year-old get an abortion today without her parent's consent?" In response to the lack of response he received, he stated, "the avoidance of an answer is an answer." In fact, New Mexico has removed any laws that require parental involvement for a child seeking an abortion


The DEMS rule over New Mexico! The state leans so far left that it is falling into hell. God is not happy with New Mexico killing His babies. I still shake my head at the fact that the majority of people in New Mexico voted in these fools. You may say that is mean?!!!?? What does the Word of God say about FOOLS? What Does The Bible Say About Fools? 

Many in New Mexico are so excited about ‘record pot sales.’ The state seems to be stoned. Did you know there is a brand new pot delivery service in New Mexico? Home delivery is booming in Albuquerque. ‘The Stoned City’ So very stoned. Hard hearts.

What does the Bible say about abortion? Simply put, abortion is murder. It is the killing of a human being created in the image of God.

Also I wanted to also share with you these stories: New Mexico legislators may block local abortion ordinances

The Satanic Temple launching tele-health abortion clinic in New Mexico

The Steamrolling of America: Satan and the consensus establishments, How has our culture slipped to the point that a popularly televised event—the Grammys—would feature and elevate satanic ritual?

We thank New Mexico Alliance for Life for the following report report!

For Immediate Release
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Liam Gray
BREAKING: New Mexico Committee Passes Most Radical Abortion, Transgender Surgery Bill in the Nation, Heads to House Floor
The “Reproductive and Gender-Affirming Health Care Freedom Act” would force teachers to facilitate abortions, gender affirming procedures for school children.
Santa Fe, NM – Today the House Judiciary Committee voted on party line, 7 – 4 to pass the most radical abortion and transgender bill in the nation, the Reproductive and Gender-Affirming Health Care Freedom Act, House Bill 7.
During debate over an amendment offered by the sponsor to clarify language, Rep Ryan Lane (R – San Juan) stated, “instead of claiming conscience protections are in other areas of the law, now would be the time to enshrine it [conscience protections].”
Recent California transplant and former Obama activist, HB 7 sponsor, Rep Linda Serrato, flat out refused to include conscience protections for every state employee.
Rep Bill Rehm (R- Bernalillo) asked, “Can a 14 year-old get an abortion today without her parent’s consent?” In response to the lack of response he received, he stated, “the avoidance of an answer is an answer.”
In fact, New Mexico has removed any laws that require parental involvement for a child seeking an abortion.
Representative Lane said, in response to questions as to whether or not the bill applies to children, “A child will rely on trusted adults?” That statement frankly terrifies me. I have children and that statement terrifies me. Again does this bill apply to an 8 year old. I’ve asked a straight forward question and am not getting an answer. This bill creates new statutory rights, I want to know what person it applies to. I just want to know does the bill apply to an 8 year old or not.”
“This bill sends a chilling affect across every public body and every public employee across the state. Ideologically driven legislation like this has exact opposite affect to what the sponsors proclaim, as it is a mandate on behavior to refer or participate in abortions and transgender procedures for every public employee across the state,” said Elisa Martinez founder and executive director of New Mexico Alliance for Life. “HB 7 redefines the meaning of discrimination in the most broadest and irresponsible terms to proclaim anyone who opposes cross-sex hormones or surgery or abortion is in violation of the act and thereby ripe for penalty.”
New Mexico Alliance for Life submitted over 4,500 petitions to Stop HB 7 from concerned citizens across the state. The bill now heads to the New Mexico House Floor for a final vote before heading to the Senate for concurrence and further debate.
An amendment was offered by Representative Gail Chasey (D- Bernalillo) for penalties to apply only to a public body, rather than an individual public employee. The amendment passed on an 11-0 vote.
The New Mexico Alliance for Life is a nonpartisan organization focused on changing state and local laws by empowering women with better and informed choices when facing unplanned or difficult pregnancies and advocating for better protections for women and unborn children from an unsafe abortion industry. For more information visit www.nmallianceforlife.org
NM Alliance for Life | NM Alliance for LifeAlbuquerque, NM 87110

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