The Spirit of God is moving…being in church feels electric – something is different. Revival is occurring across our country again… Find Jesus. He’s waiting for you. From Mindi Schneider who worked for me years ago at WFRN radio in Indiana and to this day remains a very dear friend, she and her entire family are part of our family!
Ugly Preaching is being willing to be his donkey. Let King Jesus ride you wherever he chooses, to speak to whomever he wishes. Remember that it is never about the donkey, but the One who rides it. From Jamie Stilson

Thank you Jesse T. Jackson and CHURCHLEADERS for this story! PTL!!!
Pulse‘s founder and president, Nick Hall, announced on Friday (Feb. 24) that there will be an all-ages welcome revival at Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky, Sunday (Feb. 26) from 2:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
“God really worked in my heart during my time at Asbury,” Hall told ChurchLeaders. “For the last few years, students and young adults have become numb to technology and media. Story Here
The Asbury Revival: When You Lay Hold of God, Never Let Go! New Mexico Revivals of the Past
MY GOODNESS! From Thom S. Rainer, Researcher: It’s no surprise that the U.S. Church is in a general state of decline. The magnitude of the decline, however, is staggering. Of the 300 million people in the United States, fewer than 20% regularly attend church. And our research suggests that close to 7.9 million people may be leaving churches annually. Crunch the numbers, and you realize that our churches are probably seeing more than 150,000 people walk away each week!
PTL!! Christian leaders and intercessors from around NM, across America and worldwide are coming to ABQ Saturday, March 4
Many years ago, a very old man who experienced a revival when he was younger, was asked why the revival ended. His eyes were filled with holy fire when he cried,
“When you lay hold of God, never, never, never, never let go!” Let this be a warning as well as a reminder to never let go. From
Shane Ildeman
Don’t miss this gathering of Christian leaders and intercessors from around NM, across America and worldwide, are coming to ABQ on Saturday, March 4, 2023, 9am-2pm at New Life Church of God on Aztec, off Carlisle. Bishop Doug Small from North Carolina, visionary for Prayer At The Heart and Project Pray & Aaron Park, who is heading up the Korean Intercessor teams that are coming to NM and 39 other states in our nation, May 2-9, to pray for a true spiritual awakening in our state and across America, along with John Robb, Jim Montoya of Open Door Ministry, Cipriano Roybal from American Liberty Ministry, Grover Dobbins, CEO of
ChristianBody.Net &
ChristianBody.TV and others will be sharing on strategic prayer practices, to have God’s will be done on this Earth, as it is in Heaven! With 95% of all churches in America not having any type of prayer meeting, how do we expect to get God’s results? Please, spread The Word, invite others you know of like mind, who want to see God have His Way in our state, throughout the Four Corners region, across America and throughout The WORLD! This is a FREE event and all followers of Christ/Messiah/The Anointed ONE are encouraged to attend and participate, so don’t miss it!
Pastor Mark Tross